Chapter 18: Oh Yeah a Dog is in Here Too

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"Oh Kira why is the floor soaking wet?" I hear my mother shout throughout the house and suddenly Jesse and I spring apart. Our faces were mere inches apart when my mother shouted and I have no idea what would've happened if she hadn't announced her arrival. I look over at Jesse who seems just as flustered as I am about our previous state, that's when I remember.
"Harvey," I whisper and Jesse's eyes widen just as my mother let's out an ear piercing scream.


                                                                                  EIGHT HOURS EARLIER

Monday's are always a pain in the butt, but even more so when every class you're in causes your head to spin and mind to ache. Not to mention that Jesse hasn't exactly left my side while I walk the halls causing more attention than I'd really like to come on me.
"How are you feeling?" Jesse asks for the thousandth time today as we enter the cafeteria.
"Dandy," I respond with a fake smile.
"So you feel bad then," he confirms, "Everytime you say dandy it means you're either pissed or feel like crap."
"Wow," I roll my eyes, "So perceptive."

"C'mon Kira if you don't feel good I'll take you home," he urges and I just shake my head.
"No, there's absolutely no way I'm going home after being absent for an entire week," I glance up at him to see his lips are set in a firm line.
"Fine," he grumbles, "Just do me a favor?"
"Don't pay attention in any classes," he orders.
"Duley noted."

As we approach our table I receive multiple smiles and hellos, most of my friends came to visit me at least twice when I was gone and I've seen them around school but it's still nice to sit at lunch with all of them at once.
"Ay Kira's back!" James cheers and practically throws himself on me in a giant hug.
"I missed you," he squeezes me so tight that I can barely breathe.
"Alright, alright, we don't want to her to break her back," Jesse shoves James off of me before presuming to take the seat next to me with a little glint of anger in his eyes as they follow James back to his seat.

"Guys!" Rico comes running towards at full spead with his sister on his heals, "Old man Ferdinand died last week!" he says out of breathe.
"Oh no!" Katie exclaims covering her mouth.
"No, no, no, that's not what this is about," he shrugs the old man's death off quickly, "His dog is on campus and no one knows what to do with him."
"Dog?" Chris perks up. Chris has always wanted a dog but due to the fact that we're always moving our mother never really allowed it.

"Yeah, you want to go see him? A few other people are surrounding him," Rico explains and soon we're all hopping up and heading towards the school's door. Once all 9 of us make it outside we see a small crowd forming and make our way to see a dog that seems to be the size of a bear standing right in the middle.
"His name is Harvey and he's a Newfoundland," Rico explains.

"What did he just wander from his house?" I ask approaching the bear-like animal.
"Yeah I guess so," Jesse says and squats next to me while we both rub the large dog's head. The bell suddenly goes off signaling the end of lunch and soon the students are rushing back inside, none wanting to take actual responsibility for the giant dog.
"We can't just leave him here," I look up at Jesse who was making his way into the building.
"Well what do you want us to do with him? If we take him to the pound they'll put him down, and I already have two German Shepherds my mom isn't letting us keep another dog," Jesse explains.
"Oh come on his owner died and he has no one left to look after him, heck he wandered onto the school campus for crying out loud who knows when the last time he ate was?"

"Well what do you want to do?" Jesse asks and I feel a smile creep it's way onto my face.


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