Chapter 36: Road Trip! Oh Shit...

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Thunder cracks making me jump slightly in his arms while purple lighting lights up my room in a flash and I press my lips harder to his. He lets out a moan as he kisses just as hard back, Jesse quickly flips the two of us over so I lay underneath him as my legs tangle themselves around his waist and my fingers twist in his hair and yank gently.

We pull back for air and stare at each other in the darkness of my room only for lightning to appear for a spilt second illuminating his features as he hovers above me. His elbows rest on either side of me, propping himself up above me as more thunder cracks in the night making my adrenaline continue to course through me as fear rises in my chest.

Thunderstorms were always pain and pleasure with me, they scared me beyond belief but at the same time excited me in everyway possible. Jesse leans down again as his lips graze over mine and soon I can't take it anymore and he knows this, his body begins to drive me crazy and soon I crash my lips into his and he falls back bringing me with him so he sits straight up with me straddling him.

One of his hands entangle in my hair as the other holds my waist close to him while wrapping both arms around his neck and I let a moan escape my lips as he smirks against my skin while he trails kisses down my neck.
"Kira! Are you almost packed!?" my mother's voice sends both of us falling away from each other as we stare at one another in shock for a mere moment.
"Uh... one second!" I shout back before sliding off of my bed and making my way for the lights before flickering them on forcing both of us to squint at the sudden light.

One more crack of thunder sounds making me leap slightly in surprise before I glance up at Jesse whose lips are slightly swollen from our previous actions. Suddenly in a moment he's charging towards me and I to him. Our bodies collide and so do our lips as my arms wrap around his neck and then his hands find their way underneath my thighs as he hoists me up against the wall.

Our lips seem to lock together as all space between us disappears and my back becomes cold due to the wall that holds me up. Jesse's tongue flickers the bottom of my lip and before I can respond my door is swung open.
"Kir- ahhhh!" my mother screams as she stares at the two of us in morbid shock.
"What the hell do you think you're doing!?" my mother screams at us as we stare at her like a deer in head lights.

My mother crosses her arms and stares at the two of us with her nostrils flaring like a bull and chest heaving up an down in anger.
"Give me one reason why I should allow you two to go on that road trip?" my mother sneers.



Jesse grabs the suit case right out of my hands and tosses it in the incredibly large van that we bought just a day ago for our run away plan, or as we call it, our road trip. We'll be traveling from the west coast all the way to the east coast, due to my father so easily tracking us down we've decided to constantly be on the move and it seems that a road trip is the best option. My mother is staying behind with Ryan, an idea I hate with all my soul, while Chris, Katie, Jesse, and I will be traveling under the supervision of Naomi and John, although I do feel like we'll be watching them more than them to us.

The van looks old school with a wooden exterior and a white top, we gutted the inside of it and added two large beds, one for the girls and one for the boys, I just pray no one snores. Katie hastily hops in the back of the van and I plop in after her as we let our legs dangle out of the trunk.
"If you told me the second I met you that this is what we'd be doing 6 months later I wouldn't of let you out of my sight," Katie laughs and I smile at her.
"So no regrets? I mean you know two kids who are being chased by their psychotic father which could potentially put you in grave danger all while possibly watching us be gutted alive..." I trial off.
"No, no regrets," she smiles at me before Chris appears from the other side of the van.

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