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Before you read anything!  What do you think the baby is?  I'm just curious. :)


18 weeks.

"Well Sam.  Today's the day!  I'm about to find out what our little bean is!

I think it's a boy! 

I know you'd be so excited to come with me to this appointment!  You'll be there with us, I know..


It's just different know.

Little bean has been kicking me up a storm this week!  And I hit a major growth spurt!

My jeans don't fit, so I'm gonna have to buy new clothes!  I don't really wanna wear my old maternity clothes because I was 15 and 18, and I just don't think they'd look right on me with this pregnancy!


Well I guess I should be going.  This baby is ready to show mommy what they are!"

Jessica smiles and taps her stomach.


"Boy's, you wanna come with me to the doctors today?"

"Yes!  We're all ready!" James smiles.


Boys... Thank you." Jessica leans on the back of the couch and looks down.

"For what?" Michael asks.

"For being here for me. Some teenagers would hate the fact that their mother is pregnant.. You guys have really stepped up and helped me out a lot, and I really appreciate it."

"Mom, of course we're here for you! and we don't think it's weird that you're having a baby. Maybe if you were the age of our friend's parents, then it would be weird!" Sam laughs.

"I am pretty young!" She smiles.

The boys laugh and Jessica says, "Alright.. Well we better get going.."


"Alright boys, final guesses!  What do you think the baby is?"

"Girl!" James and Michael both answer.

"I think it's a boy." Sam guesses.

"I think so too!"

"Well if mom thinks it's a boy, that must be it!" James says and Michael agrees, "That's true!  I mean, she is connected to the baby, you'd think she'd know!" He motions to her belly.

Jessica laughs and the nurse calls her name.

"Mrs. Shepard."

"Let's go, boys." Jessica smiles and stands up.


"Hello, Jessica! How are we feeling today?"


"Great!  Have you felt any movement yet?"

"I have!" She smiles.

"Well good! Any morning sickness?"

"Not for a few weeks." Jessica says laying back and lifting her shirt.

The doctor feels around her stomach and measures how big the baby is.

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