I don't deserve you

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Jessica stayed in the hospital for a few days, and when she was released, the doctor talked to the boys about how to care for their mother.

Jessica still wasn't feeling the best and would get sick every once in a while, but nothing too bad.

The boys would be leaving back to school soon, and Jessica was begging to worry.

She didn't know what she'd do.  She feared going back to taking the medication, even though she wanted so badly not to.

The boys didn't want to leave her, but they had no choice.

By now all of Jessica's family knew about what had happened, and they all planned to help her and Michael out.

"Mom, I feel bad for leaving." Sam says sitting his bags down and walking towards her.

"Me too, are you sure you're gonna be okay?"

"I'll be fine, boys.  Thank you so much for everything.  And I'm sorry that you really didn't have much of a break.." She looks down and slowly rubs her hand up and down her left arm.

"Oh don't apologize!  I'm just glad you're getting better." James says.

"Yeah... Me too." Jessica said with sadness and worry in her eyes.


"You boys be good." Jessica says giving each one a hug.

"We will.

Stay safe, mom.. Please." Sam says.

"I will." Jessica smiles softly.

George took the boys to the airport and Michael went to school.

For the first time in weeks Jessica was all alone with Grayson.

Jessica felt completely empty and sad.  She hated this feeling, but for some reason, she just couldn't shake it.

Grayson had been fussy all day and it exhausted Jessica.

"Oh Grayson, I don't know if teething is taking more out of you or me!" She sighs.

"Mama wishes that second toothy would hurry up and pop out!" She says holding him on her hip as he screams on the top of his lungs.

"You are getting a bottle and going to bed, little boy!"

Jessica went upstairs and laid him down in his crib, then went downstairs and cleaned up the mess he made with his toys.

The doorbell rang and Grayson woke up.


Jessica answers the door and it was a UPS guy.

Jessica gave him a look from hell and signed the paper.  She grabbed the box and slammed the door.

It was something Michael had ordered.  She tossed it on the couch and went upstairs to Grayson.

"Grayson!" She whines.

"Mama hurts!  Mama hurts!" He cries and points to his face.

"Aw baby.. Come here." Jessica sighs and picks him up.

"How don't I have baby orajel?  Oh Jessica you're such a horrible mom.."

The doorbell rings so she goes downstairs.

"Oh hey.  What are you doing here?" Jessica says to Sarah when she opens the door.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing.  Evan's at work and McKenna's at school, so it's just me and little priss today." Sarah smiles at Rhylie.

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