If Heaven had visiting hours

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This chapter is dedicated to the late Sam Shepard.  We'll miss you, Sam.


November 10th.

"One week and my baby will be three. He's growing so fast." Jessica says watching Grayson play with his toys.

"He's a big boy now." Danny smiles.

"Yeah.. Makes me sad.
Oh he was such a cute baby, Danny!" Jessica smiles big.

"Chubby cheeks, his daddy's smile.. He's always been such a happy child."

"He's a special little guy."

"Yes he is. Grayson, come sit with mommy!"

"No I playing toys!" He laughs.

"Ah! You little booty! Get over here!" Jessica stands up and grabs him.

"Mommy!" He laughs uncontrollably.

"You're not gonna be two anymore!  Oh my baby!!" Jessica baby talks while kissing his cheeks.

"Mommy!" He screams as he continues to laugh even harder.


November 18th.

"Happy Birthday, Grayson!" Jessica says walking into his room.

"My birthday?!" Grayson's eyes light up as he stands up in his crib, holding the railing.

"Yeah! How old are you today?" Jessica picks him up and carried him on her hip.

"Um, I tink I tree."

"You tink you're tree?" Jessica giggles.

"Yeah!" He smiles and nods.

"Haha! Well you are correct! You ARE Three!"

"Yay!" He shouts before hugging her tightly.

"Yeah! My baby boy isn't a baby anymore, is he?"

"No, I so so big!"

"Awe, Grayson!" Jessica pouts.

"Why you's cryin?"

"Because you're a big boy and not my little baby."

"You sad cause I not a baby no more?"

"Yeah.. But I do love that you're a big boy now.  That's cool, huh?"


"You know what big boys do?"


"Pee pee in the potty!"

"Why dey do dat?"

"Because they're big boys!"

"Oh! Well I just a baby."

Jessica laughs and kisses his cheek.

"Mama, today's dada's birthday too?"

"Yes it is! You remembered!!"

"Yeah cause he has the same as me!"

"That's right, baby." Jessica's eyes tear up.

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