World's greatest grandma

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"We have to get to the hospital! Oh my gosh, I need to get to the hospital!! I-I, I'm gonna be a father!" Sam's eyes widen and he suddenly becomes unbalanced.

"Oh wow, I've gotta sit down!"

"It's okay, Sam.. You're okay." Tiffany breathes heavy.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"I'm fine.. Now, Sam... GET UP!" She shouts.

"Sorry! I'm up!" Sam hops to his feet.

"Let's go, grandma." Danny smiles and takes Jessica's hand.

Everyone leaves and Grayson grabs his coloring sheet and runs after them.

"Hey! Don't forgot about me!"

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry!" Jessica grabs his hand and they hurry to the car.


"Thank God the cars were all packed just in case! I have my grandma shirt all set!" Jessica smiles.

"Oh my gosh, my babies having a baby.. And so am I!  Oh Sam, you must think this is just hilarious." Jessica looks up and chuckles.

At the hospital.

"Baby, you be good for daddy, okay? I'll come out and check on you in a minute, okay?"

"Okay, momma! Are you gonna have the baby too?"

"No baby, not yet... Let's hope!" She chuckles.

Jessica kisses his cheek, then kisses Danny.

"See you later, Grandpa!" She smiles.

"You too, Granny." He smirks.

"Danny, that sounds old! Don't call me that again!"

"Okay." He laughs.


"Ow, this hurts.." Tiffany cries.

"You're already at five centimeters, that's a really great start, Tiff." Jessica says rubbing her arm.

"Yeah, my mom took forever to get to five with Grayson!"

"I'm just so scared."

"You'll be okay, sweetie." Jessica says.

"What if I can't do it?"

"Tiff, you can. Don't put it in your head that you can't, because you CAN." Samuel grabs her hand and leans in closer to her.

Jessica immediately teared up because in that moment he reminded her so much of his father.


"Ahh! Fuck! I can't do this, it hurts!!"

"Sweetie, you need to calm down and breathe.." Jessica says breathing with her.

Tiffany starts sobbing, so Jessica says, "Tiffany, you have to control your pain! Don't let your pain control you! Now close your eyes and breathe in and out."

Tiffany listens and slowly starts to calm down.

"That helped, thank you."

"How'd you do that, mom?" Sam asks.

"Oh I've been in the same position once or twice!" She chuckles.

Tiffany takes deep breathes and says, "Jessica.. You should be sitting.. This is too much on your feet. Please take it easy."

"I'm okay, honey."

"I need you!  I can't have you going into labor, please sit down!" Tiffany begs.

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