I'm not the father!

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One week later.

"I don't wanna take him!" Jessica whines with a pout.

"I know mom, but it's for his own good." Sam says.

"He's only two months old, he doesn't know pain!"

"He'll be okay, mom."

"Can you still drive us?"

"Of course."

"Thank you. I don't like doctor offices."

"It's fine, I'll be there." He smiles.

"Thanks baby."


Jessica sat in the back seat with Grayson as Samuel drove.

"Grayson, I'm so sorry you have to get shots, baby boy. But you are gonna be such a big boy about it, I know you will!" She smiles and softly caresses his arm.

When they get there, Jessica signs in and takes a seat beside Sam.

Jessica takes Grayson out of his car seat and holds him.

"This little guy is going to be so spoiled!  He's always in your arms." Sam chuckles.

"I don't wanna leave him in there, he's more comfortable with me." She says bouncing the baby.

Samuel looks at Grayson looking around the waiting room and says, "You're just so wide awake, aren't you?" He smiles.

Jessica giggles and watches Grayson pursing his shiny little lips out.

"Your guys's baby is so cute!" A woman tells Samuel and Jessica.

"Thank you." Jessica smiles not realizing she was assuming that Samuel was the father.

"No!  I am not the father, I am the brother!  She is my mom, I am hers, I came out of there just like he did, making us brothers! He is my brother!!"

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!  You look great!" She smiles at Jessica.

"Awe, thank you!"

"Why do they always assume I'm the father?" Sam makes a sick face.

"I'm sorry I look so young!" Jessica shrugs her shoulders and smiles.


"Oh here we go, Grays. You coming, Sam?"

"Yeah, I'm coming."

Samuel takes the car seat and diaper bag, and follows Jessica to the back.

"Alright mommy, I'm gonna have you strip him to his diaper and bring him out here to get his weight and height."


Jessica starts taking his clothes off and Grayson starts crying.

"I know baby, it's cold in here! Why do they keep it so cold in here, that's crazy!" She looks at Sam.

"I don't know." He shrugs.

Jessica picks him up, rubs his back and bounces him up and down.

"Shh, shh. It's okay baby!"

She hands him to the nurse and that makes him even more upset.

"Oh!" She pouts.

"Grayson, it's okay!" Samuel says rubbing his head.

Once he's finished, Sam takes him and tries calming him down.

They go back into the room and Samuel stands him up on the table, and moves him around like he's dancing as he beatboxes.

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