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Jessica and her family went over to her parents house.

"Dada, dada, dada.." Grayson says looking around the room.

"That is so sweet that he says dada!" Jane says.

"I know. It makes me really happy, but it's sad that he's calling him and he's not here.."

"Look at him, Jess." She says referring to Grayson looking up at the ceiling and smiling.

"He is here."

"Yeah.." Jessica looks at him and smiles softly.


"Daddy, that's enough salt on your food!" Jessica says to her father.

"Yeah dad, after grandpa, don't you wanna take better care of yourself?"

"Oh I'm fine!"

"Daddy, we need you and we want you around for a long long time, so you need to start taking better care of yourself!"

"I know, Jessica, I know! It's just so damn good!" He smiles.

Jessica huffs and rolls her eyes.


That night Sarah calls Jessica.

"Jess, wanna go Black Friday shopping with me tonight slash tomorrow morning?"

"Oh Sar, I'm exhausted."

"Come on! There are so many things on sale that you could get the boys for Christmas. Don't you wanna get them a bunch of stuff you know they'll love?"

"Well yeah but-"

"Come on Jess, I really wanna go! Evan said he'll watch the girls, and the boys could watch Grayson. It's not like he'll be a problem, you said he sleeps through the night."


"So will you come?"

"Uh.. Sure Sarah."

"Yay! I'll pick you up in a little while! Wear something comfy and shoes you can run in. Have you ever been Black Friday shopping before?"


"Well just be prepared to knock some bitches out."

"Okay.." Jessica says as she begins to worry.

"I'll see you in a sec! Bye."


Jessica sighs and Samuel asks her what was wrong.

"Could you guys watch Grayson till.. Well I don't even know when."

"Sure. What's up?"

"Sarah wants me to go shopping with her."

"Oh nice, I'm sure you two will have fun."

"I'm nervous."

"Why?" James chuckles.

"The crowds!"

"It's okay, ma."

"I hate crowds!"

"Well then tell her you don't want to go."

"No, I should go.."

"I'm sure it'll be fun. I've heard it can get pretty crazy, but Sarah will protect you. Hell, she'd cut a bitch for you!" James laughs.

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