Milk bellies

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June 9th.

Currently the only people that are in the house, is Danny, Jessica, Grayson, Nova, and Sam, Tiffany and baby Samuel. 
Zachary and Michael have been back and forth between their house and James and Caroline's house.
They stay mostly with James because there are no kids over there and they can go out whenever they want without being questioned by their parents.


"Just one week till our anniversary, baby." Danny smiles and holds Jessica's waist.

"Three years! Where did the time go?"

"It's crazy! It definitely needs to slow down now."


"What would you like to do on our special day, baby?"

"I'd just really like to stay home. I wanna be with my babies.." Jessica smiles and pokes his nose.

"Well then that's what my princess shall have.
... Not even like a quick ice cream date?"

Jessica nods.

"Frozen yogurt?"

*Giggles* "No! I wanna stay home!"

"Okay! Not a problem." Danny smiles.

"Nova's just a little baby, and I don't want to leave her yet."

"It's okay, honey! I totally understand."

"Thanks, baby."


Tiffany and Sam's POV.

"Hey Tiff, are you okay?" Sam asks as she changes Samuel's diaper.

"I'm fine." Tiffany's voice was shaky.

"Tiffany." Sam gently lifts her chin.

"You're crying! Babe, why are you upset?"

"I'm just so overwhelmed right now! I feel like I do everything wrong..
I see your mom with Nova and it just seems so easy for her! She even calms down My Own Son! What kind of mother can't comfort her own baby?!"

"Honey, my mom has had like a dozen kids! She knows what to do, it doesn't mean it's easy.
You're doing great! A lot better than I am, that's for sure!" He chuckles.

Tiffany wipes her eyes and says, "I'm just tired.. I haven't been out of the house in weeks! I feel gross all the time, I just.. I don't know. It's stupid."

"It's not stupid!
Listen, why don't we go out? I'll ask my parents to watch Samuel and you and I can go on a date... Our first date." He chuckles.

Tiffany laughs and says, "Our first date ever and we have a ALMOST one year old!"

"We do things a little out of order, but so what? Just makes things a little more fun and crazy!
.. So, what do you say? Will you go out on a date with me?"

"Of course!" She smiles.

"Great! I'll go ask my mom if she can watch the baby."

"Sam, I feel bad! They have Nova!"

"She can handle it! At one point she had three year old twins and a newborn! She's got this."

Tiffany chuckles and Sam surprises her by kissing her lips.

"Oh!" She giggles.

"Heh! I'll be back!"


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