I'm him

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A few days pass and after the weekend Grayson was ready to go back to school.

"Come on, Gray, time for school." Jessica said moving the covers off of him.

"Momma, I don't wanna go to school."

"Grayson, you have to, honey."

"But I don't like them anymore!  What if I get sick again and they won't let daddy pick me up?"

"Honey, I promise you that's not gonna happen again."

"But what if it does?  What if they think you're not my momma and don't let you take me home--What if I'm stuck at school forever!!" Grayson begins to panic.

"Grayson honey, calm down!" Jessica says placing her hand on him and looking into his wide little eyes.

"Momma they didn't believe me.. They didn't believe that he's my daddy!"

"Momma fixed it and it's all better now, okay?"

Grayson nods his head and looks down with sadness in his eyes.

"Gray, please don't be sad."

"I wanna be legal.  I don't understand!  Why is everyone legal but me!  Nova is legal but I'm not!  Does daddy not love me?" Grayson looks up to his mother with a pout.

"Of course he loves you, Grayson!  You're his little boy.. He loves you so so much."

"Why am I not legal?  I don't even know what that means!"

"Nova is legally your father's because me and daddy are her mommy and daddy."

"But you're my mommy and daddy too."

"Yes Danny is your father, but Sam is your birth father..
Danny and I made Nova together, and your daddy Sam and I made You together.  He's your blood.. He's your legal father."

"But he's in heaven.. He can't pick me up from school... Can you make Danny my legal daddy?"

Jessica paused for a moment before answering.  Danny adopting Grayson would be like completely erasing Sam from the picture to her and that was something she did not want at all.

"We'll talk about it, okay?  For now we have to get you ready for school."

*Sighs* "Okay, I guess I'll go.. But I won't like it!!" Grayson hops out of bed then looks up to Jessica and points his little finger to her as he speaks.

"Okay." Jessica smiles softly and chuckles.


Grayson wasn't the first one to bring up adoption.  Just last night Danny came to her with the same idea.

"Jessica, can we talk?"

"Sure.  What's up?"

"Jess.. I've been thinking about this for a while, and this whole mess with the school really made me think about it.  I've been wanting to talk to you about..uh.. 
Um.. I wanted to ask you if uh.."

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