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Two weeks later.

Dorothy has started therapy and is now actually making eye contact.  She still is not able to talk, and it's obvious she gets upset able not being able to do so.
Jessica has been sick lately, being at the hospital gets to her.  She's not able to eat or even sleep.  She's been very drained from the stress of everything as well.
Danny feels for her, and wishes there was more he could do for her.  A time they should be over the moon is filled with stress and sadness.

Jessica walked into the waiting room and buried her face in her hands.  Danny walked over and sat beside her, and placed his hand on her back.

"Did you get sick again?"

Jessica nods her head and Danny rubs her back.

"I'm sorry.  What did you eat?"

"Nothing!  I can't eat anything!  I had one of Grayson's crackers and I instantly got nauseous!" She says sitting back in her seat.

"I feel horrible."

Jessica rubs her eyes that now had bags underneath them.

"Do you think you could be pregnant?" Danny asks.

Jessica looks at him and for the first time that whole week, she gave him a smile.

"Do you?" Danny's eyes widen.

"I don't know!  I guess I haven't really thought about that.  My mind has been somewhere else.
Do you think I am?"

"I don't know, have you gotten your period?"

Jessica bites her bottom lip and nods her head.

Danny chuckles with excitement and kisses her head.

Jessica touches his arm and Danny says, "We're in the perfect place to find out!  Why don't you see when you could get an appointment for the doctor?"

"Maybe I will." She smiles.

Danny moves her hair out of her face and kisses her cheek.
"You'd be what?  Eight weeks?"

"Yeah. *Nods* But we don't know, so let's stop it."

.. Have you had any other symptoms?"

"I mean, I've been really drained, and I'm pretty bloated." Jessica touches her stomach.

Danny smiles and touch it.
"Maybe there's a baby in there!" He says in a cute way.

Jessica laughs and moves his hand away.

"Stop it, Daniel!"

He smiles and kisses her cheek.
"I'm sorry, I'm just excited."

"I just don't want you to get your hopes up and I'm not."

"If your not, it's okay.  We can try again.. Trying's fun." He smiles.

"Well that's true!" Jessica laughs.


Danny had to go to the office for a few hours, and that just happened to be when the doctor was available to see Jessica.

"Babe, let me tell them I can't go.  I'm the boss, I can do that." He smiles.

"No, just go, they need you.  Besides, I'm just going for blood work."

"Are you sure?  I'd hate to miss this."

"I'm sure.  I won't even know till they call me with the results."

"Alright.  Well I'll hurry up and get back."

"Okay.  Just be carful." She smiles softly and kisses his lips.

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