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"What? What about Grayson?" Michael pulls away and looks into her eyes. He hadn't noticed that he wasn't there.

"Grandma took him.."


"Because I was asleep and Grayson hurt himself.. I'm so stupid for drinking so much in front of him. I want all this alcohol out of the house!"

"Alright, I'll take care of it. Mom, we need to get you into some therapy. I hate that you feel this way."

"Okay.. I'll do it. Michael, I'm so sorry."

"Stop saying you're sorry!"

"I think Grayson needs to stay with grandma for a while. Until I better myself.. I don't want to hurt him."

Michael nods.

"If that's what you feel is best. Why don't you get some rest and I'll clean up."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes.. But sleep on the couch. I'm not ready for you to leave my sight yet."

"Michael, I won't do anything.. I promise."

"Okay.." He nods.

Jessica goes upstairs and Michael breaks down.

"Why is this happening? Why is she having these thoughts? God, please watch over her.

Dad, please give me the strength to help her during this time."


Later that day Jessica and Michael went to Dorothy's.

"Mom.. I'm sorry about earlier.. I'm having a difficult time with everything and.. Well I almost did something really stupid."

"You did do something stupid!"

"I walked in on her about to kill herself, grandma!" Michael says and Jessica takes a sharp breath in.

"What? Kill yourself?!"

"Mom.. I don't know why I feel this way, but I do.. and I want to get help. I'm gonna go to therapy.. I just have one favor."

"What is it?"

Jessica takes a deep breath and asks, "Will you watch Grayson until I'm okay? Hopefully it won't be long, but I don't want to hurt him!"

"Of course, sweetie.. Jessica, I'm so sorry you're having these feelings. Please know we're always here for you. We want you to be okay and to get better so that you can finally be happy." Dorothy hugs her.


Leaving Grayson with her mother was extremely hard on both parts.  Grayson screamed and cried for her, but Jessica knew that this was the best thing for the both of them.

"Mommy will see you tomorrow, okay?  I'll visit you..
I'm gonna get some help so that I can bring you home and be the best mama I can possibly be!"


Two weeks later.

It was hard on Jessica, but she stayed focused on the bigger picture and that helped her keep going.

She was working more and started weekly therapy sessions.

Michael would come home everyday after school, or after basketball practice and he and Jessica would eat dinner, and talk about their day.

Jessica spoke with the twins about everything but told them to stay put, and promised that she was going to get better.

One day she went to visit Grayson and her parents.

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