Where is he?

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"What do you mean she doesn't remember Sam passed?" George asks.

"She doesn't remember!  It'll wear off, but when you go in there No One mention Sam" Dorothy stares everyone down.

"What if she asks us where he is?" Anne asks.

"Just tell her he got called in to work."

"She'll never believe that, Sam would have quit his job before he left her at the hospital alone."

"Well I don't know what else to tell her, Jane! We can't tell her he's gone, she'll lose it!

She can't be under that kind of stress right now."


A little later Sarah went in to see her with the baby.

"Oh Sarah! Hi! Thanks for coming." Jessica smiles with sleepy eyes.

"We had to come see our aunt Jessie! Didn't we, Rylie?"

"Awe! Hi pretty girl! Oh she's such a cutie!"

"Say thank you!" Sarah says in a cute voice as she bounces her.

"Heh! So how are you feeling?"

"I'm sore, but okay. I'm gonna have a scar! They cut me." Jessica pouts.

"Aw sweetie, it's okay! I'm sure it's just a tiny scar."

"No ones gonna see that part of my body besides Sam and I anyway... and he doesn't care what I look like.  No matter what he still thinks I'm beautiful.
He saw me pregnant with twins and he still thought I was sexy!" She giggles.

"Hah!  Sam was an amazing guy." She says as Dorothy walks in.

"Who are you talking about?!  Sam?!  Yeah, that man tried to stay, but we told him they needed him at work!"

"What?" Sarah looks at her confused.

Sarah had gotten there before  Dorothy had a chance to speak with her about what was going on.

"Just go with it. She can't remember." Dorothy whispers when she hugs her.

"Oh!" Sarah's eyes widen.

"He's such a hard worker!" Jessica smiles.

"Yeah.. He's the best." Sarah's heart broke for her friend.

Jessica looked so happy. Her eyes always lit up talking about Sam, and in the past few weeks every time his name was brought up, a sad look appeared on her face.

The sadness in her eyes was something she never saw in Jessica.


Later that day.

"Samuel, where is your father?  I just had surgery!  Is he mad at me?"

"No mom, of course he's not mad at you!  He had to go to work. 

Just get some rest."

"Okay.." Jessica lays back and traces her fingers over her stomach.

"I'm really happy we're having this baby.. it's been so long since your father and I had a newborn, it'll be interesting how we'll handle this little guy." She giggles.

"You and dad were great with us.. I'm sure dad will help you more now, than he ever did before.."

She smiles at him and says, "Sam is a great father." She looks up at the ceiling and takes a deep breath.

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