Christmas present

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Sorry for the watermark ^^^ But that picture was perfect 😫


After leaving George's house, they went to Angelica's for the last bit of their Thanksgiving dinner.

"Everyone, I just want to say how happy I am we've gotten so much closer these past couple years.  Now I'm able to be more involved in my nieces and nephews lives, and you all can be involved in my boys lives, and mine and Jessica's new little baby's life."

"Stop it!" Angelica shouts.

Danny chuckles.
"Baby Huston coming May of next year!"

"Oh my Gooooosh!" Angelica's voice goes high.

"I'm gonna have a new little grand baby!" Zoe says with excitement.

Since Zoe and John's big blow up a couple years ago, they now live separate lives.  Danny's siblings had their own Thanksgiving with him a week prior.
Luckily Danny's birth father was there to hear the news.

"A baby?  Haha, oh boy!  This is so exciting!  Congratulations you two." Danny's father smiles.

"Thanks, dad!"

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Huston."

"Jessie, my name is Nicolas, remember?"

"Oh that's right!  Sorry, force of habit!" She nods.

"Haha!  You've got a respectful young lady here, Daniel." He chuckles and hugs Jessica.

"Haha, thanks, dad."


A few days later.

"I'm so excited to see grandma and tell her about my new baby!" Grayson gets excited.

"Yeah! Do you think she'll notice your shirt?"

"My big brother shirt?" Grayson smiles and touches it.

"Yeah, your big brother shirt!"

"I don't know. If not, then I can read it to her if she doesn't know."

"Haha, sounds good!" Jessica smiles and kisses his cheek.


Jane had Jessica, the boys and Danny over for dinner once she got home from her Thanksgiving trip.

"Mommy, can you help me with my jacket?" Grayson smiles.

"Why don't you ask grandma?"

"Oh yeah!
Grandma, can you help me, please?"

"Sure, baby! Come here."

Grayson stands there with a huge smile on his face making Jane chuckle.

"What are you so happy about, silly boy?"

"Grandma, just take it off!!"

"Okay, okay!
Just undo the first button, then the second.. I love this jacket, Grayson. It's so fancy."

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