I think you're ready

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The next day Jessica went over to Sarah's.

"So how are things going with you and Daniel?"

"Really great but.."

"Uh oh.  What?"

"Well last night we went back to my house and.."

"Oooh!" Sarah smirks.

"No!  Nothing happened!"


"We were kissing and everything was great, until he unhooked my bra...

When that happened, it was like I was suddenly very aware of where it was leading, and.. I couldn't do it.

Sarah, I'm falling in love with Danny so quickly, but.. I feel like I'm cheating on Sam..

How do I let myself fall in love with one man when I'm still in love with another?  I can't let him go?"

"Jessica, I know it's hard, but Sam is gone. He's not here anymore and he wants you to be happy. If Daniel makes you happy, then take it as a sign from Sam. Go for it! Sam sent you this amazing man to make you happy because he was no longer able to be here with you.

You know what else?  It'll be hard, but I think what you need to do is change up your room. Redecorate the house. It's too much like the way it was when it was yours and Sam's. I'm not saying completely change it and get rid of all of Sam's things, but I think you need somewhat of a fresh start."

"Yeah.. I get what you're saying."

"And Jess.. If you love him.. Tell him."

Jessica nods her head and looks down.

"Another thing I'm afraid of is my body.. I've had four babies!  That's a lot!"


"Sarah, Daniel has such a nice and toned body!" Jessica whines.  With Sam, he knew my body, I was all he ever knew.. It was all so comfortable, I never worried about it."

"Because you have a great body!  And you still do after Grayson."

Jessica doesn't say anything and Sarah says, "You have to learn to love yourself, Jess.  You're so beautiful and look great after having four kids!"

"Thanks." Jessica gives her a small smile.



"Do you realize that Danny is the second man I'll ever have sex with?  What if I've been doing it wrong?!"

"Jessica!" Sarah can't help but laugh.

"Well!  Sam and I were fourteen and stupid!  And we've only ever with each other.  What if we were doing it wrong?"

"You have four kids together, I think you got it right."

"I guess!  Plus it's been over two years since I've had sex!  Last time I had sex, I made a baby!  What if it hurts?  What I can't do it anymore?!"


"Oh but I miss it!  Sarah I'm so horny, I can't take it anymore!  I just want a good orgasm."


"I mean, a Gooood Oh god fuck me orgasm."

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