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When the boys get home Jessica tells them about the trip.

"Are you sure mom?  What about the money?" Sam asks.

"Yeah mom, we don't want you spending money on us.  Or let us help you." James says.

"No, I don't want you boys spending anything!  It's my treat!" She smiles.

"I've been working, so we're okay.

Besides, your father and I have money saved up for the trip we were supposed to take this year.."

"Oh!  Well then let's go!" Sam smiles.

"Where do you guys wanna go?"

"Well how far can you go?" Michael asks.

"I'm only twenty three weeks pregnant, so I can go anywhere!"

"Well why don't we go to Virginia beach?

It's only a two hour flight.  It's somewhere we all can have fun.  Plus, mom can relax.  We don't have to do a lot of walking."

"That sounds nice!  What do you two think?" Jessica asks the twins.

"That sounds fun!"

"Great!  Then it's settled!  I'll see how soon we can get a flight.  You boys go pack."

"Alright!  Thanks, mom!"


With the help of her brother, Jessica was able to get a flight out the next morning.  George knew some people and they are letting them use their beach house.

Samuel sat beside Jessica, and James and Michael sat in front of them on the plane.

"I'm so excited!" Jessica smiles.

"Me too!  It'll be nice to get out of Minnesota for a while."


So.. To go back a few weeks.. This girl."

"Oh Mooom!" He whines and lays his head back.

"No listen, I wanna talk! 

Is she your girlfriend?"


"Tell me the truth!"

"I am!"

"So you just fucked her?"

"Oh mom, stop!" He covers his ears.

"Sorry!" She laughs.

"But tell me who she is or I'll say fucking again."

"Jesus Christ, mom!" He looks at her and Jessica laughs.

"She was some girl I met at a party.. That night I told you I stayed at Joe's... I had um.. Gotten drunk and.. It happened."

"Samuel!" She hits his arm.

"I wasn't major drunk, I knew what I was doing and I knew that it was wrong."

Jessica pinches his arm hard.

"Oww!  But we're past this, right?"

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