I've failed him

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"The hospital?!  What's wrong?"

"I've been having cramps all day and I should have said something, but I just went to the bathroom and I'm bleeding!  George, I can't lose this baby!" Jessica bawls.

"No, no, no, don't cry!  Everything's fine!  You're fine and the baby's fine!  I'm gonna take you to the hospital and they're gonna check the baby and you're gonna see that everything's fine!"

Jessica looks down and slowly nods her head.

The car ride over Jessica held her stomach.

"Is he moving?" George asks.


"It's okay.  The same thing happened when Samantha was pregnant.  Do you remember?"


George takes a deep breath and keeps his eyes on the road.

"George.. I can't lose this baby."

"You're not going to."

"Let me talk!

This is Sam's baby... If I lose him.. I-I couldn't live with myself!  This is the last little life that Sam and I created. I've failed him, George!  If I lose him then....  I don't want to live anymore."

"Jessica! Stop talking like that right now!

Let's just go to the hospital and see what's wrong."

Jessica stays silent and looks down with her hands on her belly.

She moved her thumbs back and forth and poked her stomach a few times to see if he would respond.

The baby didn't move a muscle, and silent tears started to fall down her face.

Sam.. I know you may want our baby up there with you, but I need him here with me.

The kids are apart of you, and I need them here with me during this difficult time.

Please please let me keep him.

Watch over his little body and protect him from any harm.

Jessica always feared miscarriage during her pregnancies. There was never any signs of it before, but the worry was always there.

This time she felt that it was happening. She was losing her baby, and there was no way of ever getting him back.

Sam was gone and now this little life was being taken away from her.


When they get to the hospital, they take Jessica to the back.

It had been five minuets of silence and George paced the room.

"What's taking them so long? I mean, come on! The baby could be-"

Jessica looks at him and he says, "Jess, I'm sorry."

"It's fine..." She looks down.

"Can you go out to the hall and call the boys, please?" Jessica says in a low voice.

"I'm not leaving you!"

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