I hope you're right

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"Jess, what's wrong?"

"I just got a little cramp, it's okay.  I'm fine." She says breathing in and out.

"That didn't sound like a little cramp, come on, I'm gonna take you to the hospital."

"No, George, I'm fine." She says sitting down in her chair.

"Jessica, look at how you're breathing.  You sound like you're in pain.  I'm not taking any chances with you, now get up because I'm taking you to the hospital."

"Alright.. You're right, I should go just to ease my mind."


"George, I'm scared."

"There's no reason to be.  This is why you need to calm down and not worry too much."

"How do you expect me not to worry.  My son is about to be a father, and doesn't know how to get off his ass!" Jessica starts to cry.

"This is why being pregnant at the same time your son's baby mama is not meant to happen!"

"Shh, shh, it's okay. Just relax. I know it's stressful, Jess, but for the sake your baby girl, you need to relax."

"I know.."

"How's she doing?"

"She's still moving around a lot." Jessica says with her hands on her bump.

"She'll be okay, she's strong like her uncle George." He smiles.

Jessica chuckles and rolls her eyes.

"I'm just playing.  Her mom is the strongest woman I know.. I know she'll be okay."

"Awe George.. Thank you! I appreciate you always being there for me."

"Of course, Jess. You're my sister, and that's my little niece in there. I just want to make sure you two are okay."

"Thank you..
This feels a little too familiar, doesn't it?"

"Yeah.. It does.."

"What if it's what it was the last time, George?"

"It's not gonna be. It's okay. Just think positive."

Jessica nods and says, "Oh my gosh, I need to call Danny!" She quickly grabs the phone and calls his office.

"Dr. Huston's office, how can I help you?"

"This is Mrs. Huston, I need to talk to my husband, please."

"Um, he's with a patient right now, ma'am."

"Like I said, I'm Mrs. Huston, and I need to talk to my husband. I'm pregnant and somethings wrong, I have to talk to him. Is that a problem?"

"No ma'am! Let me grab him." The girl says nervously.

"Mhm..." Jessica hums with attitude.

"What's up?" George asks.

"I'm telling Danny to fire this bitch."

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