Chapter 36

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14 February, Friday....


He does not care. But he said that he doesn't want to talk on this topic anymore. I love you Adil....I don't know what wrong have I done. Maybe....just maybe....he thinks that there's something between me and Sharjeel....

The door opens. He's home. It's 1:15am. I don't want to face him....I don't have the courage to.....I'm broken...I'm falling apart....He knows this....Will he collect all my broken pieces and put them in the right place? Will he be sorry, for what he just did?

He's coming near. I can hear his footsteps. I'm standing by the window.

"Why are you awake?" He says. "I don't want to sleep..." I say. "Why are you standing here?" He says. "Because I want to..." I say. He turns around and moves towards bed. Tears roll down my face....He did not say sorry.......

"I'll never let anyone drift us apart sugarplum..."
"I love you my Shaz!"
"Shhh..Stop crying, I love you..."

Why? Why me? I just love you so much Adil...

I turn to look at him.

I'm a crazy lover....I have done nothing, talk to me please. You can't sleep like this....I need you....

His phone beeps and I move towards his side table. I look at his phone. Only 20% battery left. I pick it up, and plug in the charger. Suddenly I look at the screen and that's all....

I love you so much!
Sweet dreams...
There's a surprise for you my love...

No! I can't read it anymore....

SHE JUST CONFESSED HIM! That means...that means...Adil is dating her....

My phone rings and I pick it up. Same number.

Hey....How're you?
Don't ask please...
Why? Did you go to the restaurant?
Yes, I did...
I'm sorry for what you saw...
Can I know who you are? And how did you know about this all?
Actually...err...I'm you secret friend...and your well wisher...
So my well wisher, what's your name?
I'm afraid....
You're my secret friend. Aren't you?
Of course I am. Do you have any doubt?
No. Just tell me your name.
Promise me, that you'll never let Adil know this....
My name is Hania....
How do you know him?
Actually Shazray...I can not tell you this. But I know what is he doing right now. Where had he been after the dinner...
Where was he? And what is he doing right now?
He's sleeping. And he had been with that girl Bisma....
Did they go somewhere else?
They went to a park.
And Bisma confessed him once again. And Adil, too, confessed her. They both are madly in love with each other.
And that's a lie. Adil loves me only....
Haven't you read their messages?
Wait a second. You do know what they talk about, on messages?
No but. Okay. If you don't believe this all, you can go to his office tomorrow. Sharp at 3pm.
And what will happen there?
I don't want to hurt you....
What do you mean?
It's valentines day...and you're sensible enough to guess everything.
I don't believe this! Why did you become my well wisher? My life was just so perfect without you! You came and ruined everything...
Your life wasn't perfect Shazray. You just had no idea that he's not loyal. And there's a lot of difference!
I's just a misunderstanding.
I'm amazed Shazray. Why do you love him so much? You know that the car is coming, but you've closed your eyes and you expect that the car will not hit you?And you'll be safe? Come on! Wake up!
I do confess that I love him so much. And I don't know why...Whatever I saw earlier did hurt me...but? It's okay. I know it's just a misunderstanding...Bye!

*8am in the morning*

I've been crying whole night...yet he has no idea about this. It's his time to wake up. I turn the faucet on. Drip drop....

I look at my face in the mirror. My eyes have gone red. But does he even care? I love you Adil...

I sit on the sofa, and close my eyes...

"Shazray..." He calls my name. I open my eyes... I look at his face. "What happened?" I say as I rub my eye. He says nothing and goes inside the washroom.

I step inside the kitchen, to prepare his breakfast. I take the bread and cut it into heart shape.

Whatever Hania said last night, was lie! That's not possible. Adil loves me and only me. And I can not let Bisma take him away. Adil is mine and I can not share him with anyone!

I have to act normal now. I don't know what my fault was, I just have to act normal. I have to leave that incident now. Because that day has passed. And I can not stick to one page of my life. That's not even sensible. I have to forget everything. Maybe, yesterday was not my day. And I can not let it ruin my today. Today is a new chance, a new hope. And I know, everything will get better! Plus, Adil said that he loves my smile...

I'm taken aback by the voice of his footsteps. I look at him and smile. "Breakfast is ready..." I say. He doesn't say a word. Where is he lost? "Adil, what are you thinking about?" I say.

I guess, he's still angry.... I move towards him. I hold his hand. "Adil" I say. "What?" He says. "Breakfast...." I say. "Bring it" he says and smiles.

I love his smile. That breathtaking smile. I know, he's forgotten everything. I love him so much.

*After all the conversation they had, Adil left for his office. Now, Shazray is alone at home. Like everyday, waiting for Mujtaba to come.*

"Hey Mujtaba..." I say. "Hey sis. How're you?" He says. "Fine and how're you?" I say. "I'm fine but what happened to your eyes?" He says. "What happened?" I say. "Why are they so red?" He says. "Are they?" I say. "Ohh...I forgot that it's valentines day" He says and chuckles. "Shut up!" I say. "Brownies please" He says as he moves towards the staircase. "I already knew that" I say as I follow him.

He opens the door. "I like it..." He says. "So do I" I say. "Feels like, some professional artist did this. These beautiful ideas, aahh! I love this room now! You know what? This is called Perfection!" He says. "Stop praising yourself!" I say as I give him *sarcastic* look. He rolls his eyes.

"My dear brother, you're only left with 2 days now!" I say. "Hey! Including today, I have 3 days.." He says. "I included today. You only have today and tomorrow to complete this room" I say. "Well excuse me?" He says. "Excused" I say. "It's impossible!" He says. "Nothing is impossible. You are going to do this in just 48 hours my cute brother!" I say and grin. "No one is more cruel than you. I am sure" He says with a smile on his face. "Thank you!" I say.

"What will you do on Sunday? Like, how will you stop him from coming here?" He says. "That's my problem" I say. "And what about things or the furniture...?" He says. "I've actually bought them all" I say. He looks at me. "Ohh...nice furniture...and see, it goes with the scheme. I had no idea about your choice. I like it" He says. "Stop being sarcastic Mujtaba!" I say.

"Chef will serve you brownies within some minutes. And I am going to hospital. And please do not waste time..." I say. "Yeah sure..." He says. Finally he's serious and is really working hard. I wonder how will Adil react...? *chuckles*

Thank you all so much for reading my book, voting and commenting. You guys are awesome!!!
If you don't get anything, just pm me and feel free to ask!
You guys are best!
Thanks for supporting my story so much!
I will update as soon as I complete the chapter.
Please ignore any errors because I'm not so good at english!😂
And to all my ghost readers plz:

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