Chapter 44

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To all my readers:
Enjoy the second last chapter of this book!🖤🖤
Instagram: ilovebestsayings

15th February, Saturday.


He made tea for me. I'm sure he made tea for the first time in his entire life. Ain't this cute? He loves me. My husband loves me so much. Omg! I'm the luckiest wife in this world. His smile has the magic to drive me crazy in just a second. He's the best husband.

"'s time to offer prayer" I say. He looks at me. "Yes..." He says. We both do wudhu. And then I stand on the praying carpet. He's leading me in the prayer...for the first time. It's the best feeling ever...

"Asslamo alaikum warahmatullah"
I say and raise my hands for dua. He does the same.
*bolds represent Adil*
Ya Allah! Bless my husband with every happiness...
Ya Allah! Bless my wife with every happiness...
Ya Allah! Give him a long healthy life...
Ya Allah! Protect her from every harm...
Ya Allah! Give him prosperity...
Ya Allah! Make her the best doctor...
Ya Allah! Give him a long life...
Ya Allah! Bless us with a long, happy and healthy life together...
Ya Allah! Never make anything drift us apart....
Ya Allah! Bless us with a baby girl...
Ya Allah! Make me obey him....
Ya Allah! Make me the best husband...
Ya Allah! Help me become the obedient wife...
Ya Allah! I want her to become my wife in Jannah as well...
Ya Allah! I want him to be my husband in Jannah....
Ya Allah! Forgive me...
Ya Allah! Forgive us...
Ameen Ameen

"Thanks for leading me in my prayer" I say as he looks at me. "I'd always love to..." He says. "It felt so good to pray with you..." I say. "No doubt..." He says. He then smiles.

I leave the room. I move towards the wardrobe and pick the Holy Quran. I'm satisfied. I want to see if my Allah is satisfied or not...
I open a random page and read an ayah. It says:
"And women of purity are for men of purity and men of purity are for women of purity" [Quran 24:26]
Alhamdulilah..... (Thanks to Allah)

I open a random page again and read an ayah. It says:
"And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy" [Quran 30:21]

I repeat it for the third time. And now the ayah says:
"Is the reward for good [anything] but good?" [Quran 55:60]

I can't thank my Allah enough...

"Reciting Holy Quran?" He says. I look at him. "Yes..." I say as I smile. "I love this change...since we're together now and we solved a pretty big problem, we must recite Surah Rahman.." He says. "I want you to recite it with me in loud voice..." I say. He takes the Quran in his hands and turns the page to where the surah begins.

*bolds represent Adil*
In the name of Allah, the entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

The most Merciful.
Taught the Quran.
Created man,
[And] Taught him eloquence.
The sun and the moon [move] by precise calculation,
And the stars and the trees prostrate.
And the heaven He raised and imposed the balance.
That you not transgress within the balance.
And establish weight in justice and do not make deficient the balance.
And the earth He laid [out] for the creatures.
Therein is fruit and palm trees having sheaths [of dates]
And grain having husks and scented plants.
So which of the favours of your Lord would you deny?
I look at him and smile when we complete the recitation of Surah. He does the same. I take the Quran in my hands and put it back in it's place.

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