☤ one | jae

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i feel so lonely.

i feel so empty.

i feel so stupid.

i feel so betrayed.

he turned his back away like i was nothing. he played with my feelings. he threw me out. now here i am, like a toy in a drawer.

why did i fall for him so hard?

if i told the police on him earlier maybe i wouldn't have to be back in this corrupted place. this stupid hospital where having a life never existed. where all you did was take medications, sleep and be used as a test.

a test where you either end up dying or living.

let me tell you my story.

my name is park jaehyung. or you can call me jae.

i'm a human boy that's lost and lonely because i was in love with a monster. he wasn't just a monster, his personality was too.

from the day i was born, or at least that's what i think, i was stuck in this hospital. it's called heaven's hospital and the funny thing is that it's nothing like how people explain heaven. there's no happiness or peace. the only thing here is blood, screams and torture.

now you may be wondering, why am i here? unfortunately i do not know the answer myself. and even if i did, it wouldn't make a difference.

i'm just a test object. a human test object. when you think of a hospital you would probably think of nurses and doctors caring for their patients. not here. it's the opposite.

well there is doctors and nurses but their is no care or love. you are basically treated like animals. their project is to make a human that can fight these monsters. most monsters attack us human tests because they think we want to to work with the heaven's hospital but we don't have a choice. these monsters, if you find them everyone knows to call the police and make sure they are dead and destroyed to their gut.

instead of me doing that, when i found him, i fell for him.

how did i manage to escape from the hospital? i managed to squish my body through the dusty vents, pulling at my white nightgown and shorts and my socks with holes on them as they burned against the walls as they rubbed together.

once i exited the hospital i felt so scared yet relieved. i was walking on grass with a sky above my head. i was walking on the land that normal human beings walked on. there was a fence that cornered the hospital. with all my might, i climbed over the wired fence as my feet ached from the metal wires poked against my feet, piercing through my skin.

my hands burned as they weren't used to the life outside of the hospital. they hurt because i could consume powers. over the years at the hospital, they were trying to make me have powers so i could kill the monsters. it was for the project. i was so terrified because being underneath the hands of those cruel doctors and nurses was a life and death situation. i didn't have a choice. if i said no they would put me to sleep for hours, weeks, months, maybe even a year and slide me into their drawers.

the room full of drawers was filled with so many other people who were going through the same thing as me. but they weren't as determined to get out as i was. i did not want my life to end like this.

so as i jumped over the fence and my feet hit the dead leaves that covered the area, i ran. i ran so hard i think my shorts even ripped. my nose started to sweat which made my glasses slide off my nose. as i ran, time ran too. it was night time before i knew it. all my clothes were white so i was afraid that they would find me because they might've noticed that i was gone and my clothes would make stand out.

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