☤ four | brian

714 67 22

"you're such a cruel guy younghyun i swear-"

"shut the fuck up."

i threw my glass cup at the stupid man and the glass shed into pieces making him earn a cut on his face. the red liquid splashed to the floor.

"the poor dude trusted you."

"not my fault", i hissed.

why was this guy even concerned about what happened between me and jae?

"listen sungjin, just stay out of it. i don't mean to be rude but he's gone."

sungjin wiped the blood off his face and rolled his eyes.

"fine. i was just saying."

he kicked in his chair and turned to leave but muttered something.

"next time show some respect."

i rolled my eyes and took a sip out my cup. the bitter yet sweet thick liquid went down my throat.

"man i wish i could go out and earn my own fresh blood than drink this bottled one..."

i groaned again as i looked around the place. the place smelled like coffee, blood and dust. right now i was at our building where the monsters meet up. i'm on break at the moment and the whole building was basically empty. looking at my watch, i waited for my time to get dismissed.

sometimes i wish nobody knew about what happened between me and jae. what's the big deal anyways?

i pushed in my chair and went down the staircase. i could feel sungjin's eyes on me. he felt bad for jae. i don't. i don't think i ever will or want to. the night was dark and breezy. it reminded me of the night i met jae.

his body all alone on the swings. his face all swollen and his arms all red and bruised. i felt bad for him. i don't know why though.

why did i act the way i did?

flipping my hair out of my eyes i looked up at the sky.


why was i chosen to be this monster i am?

i walked into a nearby cafe that had a hidden bar in the basement. one of the guys greeted me since i came here a lot. the only reason why i'm here is because of jae. i don't know why but my mind and body doesn't seem to care that he's gone.

but my heart.

it makes me feel guilty in the inside.

the bartender passed me a bottle and i took a gulp of it. my body felt refreshed and heavy at the same time. my mind blurred and i let my body go with the flow.

"jaeeee...you cute jerk...making my heartbeat fast and feel guilty."

i slammed the glass bottle against the table and demanded for another one. my mind flooded with memories and i started to speak to myself but thankfully nobody was paying attention to me since today had quite a crowd.

"i want to give you showers and brush your hair and see you wear my hoodies. i miss you and your oversized glasses...i want to kiss you so badly right now..."

my lips smacked the back of my hand. i could see the bartender staring at me weird for a second and then looked away. my mind didn't care. he could stare all he wants. i wanted to see jae.


i need to.

i turned my phone and my eyesight was blurry as the brightness hit my face.

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