☤ thirty - nine | wonpil

225 25 7

i'm scared. it's dark. there's no one here. is this the afterworld? am i dead? is mom and dad here? will anyone come to me and tell me what's going on?

i can see my bones through my skin, as if i'm transparent. my veins are little colorful tubes of the rainbow that flow inside me. the ground is wet, but it doesn't feel like water. is this hell? heaven? somewhere in the middle?

i cannot tell. my body feels like it's standing but i'm laying down. sitting up, i look around and see nothing. it's just an endless black. i'm so cold that i can't feel myself.

"is anyone here?"

my eyes could fall out my sockets any second. picking up my hand i see an inky, sand seep through my fingers. it goes through my arms, like i'm a ghost. i can feel my eyelids being forced to close but i'm trying not to. am i going to actually die now? if i fall asleep is it really over?

my eyes sees a sharp, glow as small as a raindrop but a huge wave makes its way towards me. putting my hands up in defense, i can't see anything in between.

"oh no..."

i feel chains pulling my legs down but i walk with my knees. i don't believe it. i really don't. raising my hands to touch the body, i sigh, cupping my face.

"it's okay jae. you had it hard."

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