☤ eight

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"what are you doing here?"

jae's voice was shaking as his whole body was shivering. brain looked at him with a sad yet smug smile.

"i'm here to see you."

"there has to be more. there's a catch isn't there?", jae asked, enraged.

"yes there is a catch."

brian looked around and saw nobody but jae and himself.

"i'm here to help you escape."

"don't lie to me. i will call security on you."

"you know you wouldn't. you love me way too much babe."

"don't call me that you monster."

"i'm your monster", brian joked.

jae was mad. how is he playing jokes like this right now?

"i'm being serious though. i'm here to save you."

"and what will you do after that? throw me back here?"

"i regret everything jae. i miss you. i was a fool. don't you miss me too?"

jae took a few seconds to reply.

"no. i don't miss you. you're such a jerk i wish i could break this glass and punch you to death."

all brian could do was smirk.

"and after you punch me i will cover your whole body with my kisses and marks just like before."

jae stuffed his face in his hands, embarrassed at brian's words.

"stop it brian. there's cameras."

"i know darling."

"how did you get my glasses?", jae asked, trying to change the subject.

"your friend wonpil gave them to me. i think i might keep them", brian said as he gave jae his signature smile, pulling his mask down a bit then pulling it back up.

an awkward silence filled up the place. jae tugged at the ends of his sleeves as brian stared at him.

"do you really not miss me?"


"i'll leave if you don't answer-"

"i miss you like crazy. i dream about you every night and get weak in my knees whenever i think of you. sometimes i just want to stab you and rip your guts but then i'll just end up putting you back together. i hate you so much and i love you just as much. i want to be in your arms again. i hate you brian. i miss you so fucking much."

jae stared straight at brian, tears flowing down his cheeks. jae didn't know what to do.

"i want you to hug me. i want to go home with you."

"i wish i could babe", brian replied softly.

"you can. just save me."

"then wait for me."

"i will. i'll wait forever as long as you promise you'll bring me back."

"don't worry jae. i'll bring you back."

brian pushed his chair in and walked towards the door. giving another smirk to make jae melt, he sent a flying kiss.

"don't miss me so much."

"i won't. jerk", jae snapped.

jae sat there quietly as brian left.

he was going to wait for him.

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