☤ thirty | jae

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"rUN!", i scream as i slam myself through the glass door. sungjin panics as he chases after me. one of the nurses jump onto the counter, a gun in hand but the bullet misses. i can hear sungjin yelling in confusion but i don't even know what i'm doing at this point.

"was that your power?"

my breathing is the only thing i can hear as the back of my knees ache from stretching my legs as far as they can.

"yeah but i wasn't even thinking about fire or anything. my mind just wanted to explode!", i managed to yell.

i hear gunshots and i hear harsh footsteps as me and sungjin run through the blank roads. i have never ran like this in my whole entire life. i probably never even ran before because my body couldn't take it.

i hear police sirens. why police? what are they gonna do? they can't help me or anyone! they don't even know what heaven's hospital is! sungjin grabs my arm as he makes a harsh turn, a sharp pain traveling through my bones.

"can't you burn people or some shit?"

"i never tried! and i don't want to!"

i would be terrified.

"well either you try or we die!"

i stopped in my steps and turned to face the nurses who were running around by the corner.

make them stop. make them stop...

i pressed my hands against my head and i could feel blood pouring out of my arms. my veins were popping out my neck and my bones were shaking. my nails started to turn purple and my eyes started to see red and burn. i opened my eyes and wiped them, only to see blood on my sleeves. they were frozen. stuck in ice with expressions of hostility.


i fell to the floor but i was still concourse. i could feel sungjin's arms wrap around me as he lifted me into the air.

"good job."


"we'll hide over there. in the trees."

i could feel the concrete as he ran, every step he made. the air started to feel cooler and i felt a branch hit my face. he laid my down on the ground and the cold, wet mud felt so nice against my cheek.

"why are there cuts on your arm?"

"it happens when i use my power."

"what about your eyes?"

"i don't know", i muttered.

sungjin ran his fingers through my hair, being as gentle as possible. it felt like a mother's touch but i wouldn't know that very well. i wonder what it's like to have a family. the wind made the leaves rustle and there was a loud crunch noise. my eyes shot open as i felt sungjin's foot shake. an ice, cold hand grabbed my shoulder.


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