☤ thirty - four

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wonpil's knees popped as he fell to the ground, scraping his body against the concrete. his socks started to tear as he easily got pulled down by rocks and such. his body started to shake and he couldn't stop coughing because his body has never been outside in so long. brian's cold breath send tingles down his spine which made his legs wobble from side to side. the fence was forever away from him.

"don't worry brian. you'll see jae," he coughed, "i won't let you guys down. even though i still can't really forgive you or understand why you sent jae back i'm sure you had your reasons. but even if you didn't, you still came back and that's all that matters."

for some reason, the fence seemed to feel a lot farther. he could barely see with all the tears clogged into his eyes. crusted up saliva formed in the corner of his lips and his veins turn blue. his body wasn't made for the outside world and it's only been a few minutes.

on the other side of the fence was deep, raspy breaths. a black haired male was running, his jaw clenched tightly. he had to get there before her.

"wait for me...", he wheezed after every breath. his legs stretched as far as he could. he put so much strength that if he lost balance he could split his legs apart.

wonpil fell to the ground for the millionth time, with brian's weight not helping him at all. all he had to do was throw him over the fence and then everything will be fine. all of a sudden, the torture in his body stopped and he was able to move. he didn't realize the only reason why he slowed down so much was because his power was in use.

dowoon ran and ran, his eyes turned dry as the wind was being slapped into his face.

the sound of high heels clicked and clicked on the concrete in front of the hospital. the lady pulled something out of her pocket. wonpil was right there, just a foot away from the fence.

"almost there bria-"


he threw brian over the fence in shock as he saw dowoon running. his far immorality brightened up but he stopped. dowoon covered his eyes and screamed.

his mother shot the gun.

"please save brian!"

the small figure collapsed on the floor and his gasps came to a stop. after all these years he's been searching, the only moment they shared was his death. wonpil was gone, they were next.

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