☤ twenty | wonpil

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wonpil kicked the wall for the 100th time as he couldn't bare to look out the window again.

"i thought we would leave together."

the dark night made him want to cry. there wasn't a single star to be seen, as if they've lost their way in the galaxies.

"wonpil, time for your medicine."

i sighed as the nurse handed me the same old and musty red tablets. chugging it down with a stingy glass of cold water, my brain froze for a few seconds. she slapped sense into me and then left the room.

"why me..."

i was miserable. i couldn't be happy any longer. there was no life for me. i want to go back home. i want to see my parents. i want someone to love me.

"i envy you jae."

i waited for a response but there was none. you're so lucky jae. you actually got saved. congratulations.

my legs collapsed as i decided to lay down on blood smelling floors. my hands felt so dry that it made the cold worse. i turned over to the window again.


there was a sudden explosion of warmth outside. a huge crash noise that started to burn into a flame. it looked so warm. i heard the nurses running in the hallways as they were ready to see who the person was and rid of them. for some reason, my eyesight felt clearer than ever. there was a familiar figure but i could careless.

nobody loves me anyways.

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