☤ forty

306 32 17

"wake up, brian."


"you too, dowoon."

he didn't reply.

"please don't do this. it's their funeral today. you cannot be serious", sungjin cried.

there was no life or motivation.

"fuck this", brian threw over the covers. putting on his black attire, he kicked dowoon.

"get your ass up."

"don't tell me what to do."

"wonpil didn't die for you to lay around."

"hey, that's enough brian. don't forget that if you weren't an asshole jae wouldn't have suffered either", sungjin snapped.

"can we like not argue? this is an emotional day where we forget about everything and accept", junhyeok walked in.

the house was quiet after that. they all sat in the living room, leaning forward in their seats with their hands inside the other. brian and dowoon didn't exchange a word. in the silence, there was a knock.

"that's probably jackson and mark."

the click of the knob and the shuffle of paper and flowers was all that came out.

"you guys ready?", jackson smiles softly.

brian nodded, head low. the drive wasn't too long, but they really wished it was. there wasn't enough time to organize their feelings. the funeral was small, since the two that have passed had no family. on the coffins was their photos. sad photos.

it was their ID photos from heaven's hospital. looking at those photos made it feel like that hellish place went down with them. brian looked into the glass, mosaic windows and shivered as a sudden cold line of air went through his ears. slapping his ear, he could've sworn he heard something.

"you heard that too?", a deep voice said.

turning to the left, he saw dowoon.


"it's a shame you know."


they both heard it. it was like a cry for help from two lost boys. they wanted to go home. it was like they couldn't speak through the tears but they were managing to say those three words.

bring me back.

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