☤ twenty - three

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"get off me!"

he shoved the boy, making him trip off the slide.

"why so mean?"

"i have a scar because of you!", he jokingly slapped his arm.

"aw babe..."

the boy started to nuzzle into the older boy's neck, kissing the red mark that was visible on his porcelain skin.

"my mommy said i have to be back by 8:00. it's getting late."

"okay markie poo."

"stop calling me that!"

"whatever...", he pouted.

the two young boys started to walk as the sun decided to trade places with the moon. he stopped and held mark's hand as they were still a few streets away from his house.

"what's wrong?"

"i don't know..."

"it's okay. we can hang out tomorrow. where are you going today?"

he didn't have a home nor any parents, or at least ones that loved him. he wandered and ended up sleeping in the woods.

"back to my box again," he shrugged.


"where else would i go?", the young boy let out an irritated cry.


the walk was quiet as the streetlights flickered like the uneven breaths they were both having.

"i didn't mean to have an outburst."

"i know."

"may i?"

mark sighed as stared into his eyes.

"i don't have a choice."

pulling at his shirt, he reveled his collarbones and the red marks that were scattered all over.

"sorry. i really am."

"it's okay."

he bit into his neck and tried to prevent pain from flowing into the veins of his best friend. mark's neck turned into purple and changed colors like the sunset, only ending in a crimson red. the walk to mark's home was unusually quiet, worrying him.

"hey. see you tomorrow."

he pecked his forehead and smiled, fading away when he saw light in mark's kitchen with two shadows.

"bye mark.

"bye brian."

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