☤ two

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"you have to take your medicine."

"i don't want to."

jae shoved away the nurse, not wanting to take the red, metal tasting pills.

"if you don't you'll stay weak like this."

"i'm only weak like this because you always keep me caged up."

the nurse threw the tray on the floor, letting the small capsules break as they hit the floor. slamming her hand on the big red button on the wall, two people wearing masks entered the room, dragging jae out his bed.

"let me go!"

the two men didn't say anything nor budge. they dragged jae down the stairs and pulled him to the lab in the basement where the doctors and nurses were.

"what's wrong with jae now?", said one of the doctors, disappointed and irritated.

"he won't take his pills."

"i don't get why you have to pull me down here just because i didn't take your stupid, disgusting pills!", jae shouted.

"put him in the drawer."

"no please!"

jae pulled his feet to the floor trying to prevent getting pulled but his protests were nothing and meaningless. one of the men took out a key and unlocked the drawer that was labeled '#06'.

"you never learn do you?"

they covered jae's mouth as he tried to fight through the medicine but it was way too strong. fast asleep, they threw jae's unconscious body into the drawer and locked him up.

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