☤ thirty - seven | jae

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the sound of the tires screeching away satisfied me. the sight of the bullet turning into ashes made me feel relieved. the smell of absolute nothing made me feel pure. the taste of blood that was gliding across my tongue as i breathe makes me feel alive. the feeling of everything at this moment makes me sense a phlegmatic warmth. i've never felt this was before. is this what it's like to be important? 


6 bullets come to sight as they soar through the air. in that breath, an explosion of red erupts from the upper left part of my body. this time it wasn't painful. my whole figure was soaked in the metal smelling substance. it was raw and bone-chilling. the nurses feet started to go backwards, first walking and now running. i couldn't prevent the indignation and emotions i was having, so i hunted them. i wanted to kill. those guns they love to use so much will be turned against them. i will make it happen. 

"g-get away from us!", one of them cried out.

even though i was probably suffering from extreme blood loss, i could feel enough of it boil in my veins, "why? why should i? aren't you guys the ones that love to keep me so close to you? you guys are the ones that held me captured all my fucking life! get away from me?  you wish."

"you're a monster!"

"isn't that what you wanted?", i laughed.

my pale arm went forward as i grabbed two of them, slamming them both to the ground. their bones cracked, jabbing out of their skin. the pearly, white material was pushed out so quickly that there was no trace of blood due to being wiped clean from their muscles. i sprinted after the other four, one of them not in sight. my eyesight started to sway from left to right. an imaginary boulder sat on my head, pressuring me to look down, aching my neck. i needed to lay down. my feet shuffled to the side, smashing my body against a random shop. laying my cheek against the cold glass, i saw part of my reflection, making me jump. my face, skin, eyes and every other feature terrified my soul.

i wasn't me. or at least that's what i think.

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