☤ twelve | jae

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here i am in junhyeok's car.

what if he's just playing with me?

what if this is just another dream?

i'm so scared. why do i even want to see him again?

what am i gonna say?

i have so many questions someone please answer them.

"we're here."

"so soon?", i looked up at him with shock.

"what did you want me to do? drive slow?"

"do i just go inside?"

he shrugged his shoulders as he opened the car door for me, following me as i walk up the doorsteps. my breathing stops for a few seconds and my lips start to quiver. i can't believe this.

"why aren't you knocking?"

"i can't. i just can't. i'm scared."

"you can't be scared jae."

junhyeok knocks the door with no hesitation which makes me feel like i'm in the shadows. someone opens the door but it isn't brian. he has blondish gold hair and has no shirt on. but that doesn't catch my attention.

the only thing that does is the look on junhyeok's face.

i noticed how he quickly erased his expression.

"is kang younghyun here?"

"he's at the bar. what are you doing here?", the man asked but then he looked at me.

"you must be jae."

i nodded at him.

"i'm sorry about younghyun's behavior. he's quite the idiot sometimes."

"are you a monster as well?"

"i don't like that term but yes i am", he laughed.

"where's that bar at?", junhyeok asked.

"the one that's hidden in the café."


i waved goodbye to the man who smiled at me. junhyeok pulled me into the car without saying anything.

"do you happen to know that guy?", i asked.

"does it matter?"

"...i was just wondering but you don't have to answer."

junhyeok sighed as the lights went red.

"sungjin and i go long back. you see, i was in your place once. i loved sungjin. he loved me. i would sneak out the hospital just to be with him but things didn't end nicely. they caught us and they said either i comeback or they killed him. so i said i'll comeback. we've never talked since then. he would visit me everyday but i ignored him. he eventually started to stop coming more often. i was able to hear his voice because i was in the visiting room but i didn't make myself visible."

the lights went green but junhyeok didn't stop talking.

"after a few years the doctors and nurses started to gain my trust so now here i am as a doctor. seeing you kind of reminded me of myself so i wanted to help you."

after a few long turns the car came to a stop.

"good luck kiddo."

"you're not coming with me?"

"i think it's best you go by yourself. i'll pick you up later."

"where will you go?"

"kind of want to talk to sungjin you know. i didn't look very nice a few minutes ago."

he waved goodbye and drove away. taking a deep breath i walked into the café and headed towards the basement.

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