☤ twenty - two | ???????

353 41 17

"you need to breathe..."

i tried to calm him down but he seemed like he lost his mind. i looked at the boy who looked more than unconscious.

"i can't call the hospital...", he said.

"nor the police", i joked.

he gave me a glare which made me put my hands in the air. all of a sudden, the boy started speaking, almost giving me a heart attack.


"he keeps saying that."


i kneeled towards the boy and cupped his ice cold hands into mine, making feel like he was about to melt and seep through my fingers.




the boy shot up, his eyes red and filled with tears. i couldn't tell if he was crying or shedding blood.

"brian! he's a monster! mONSTER!"

his veins started to pop through his neck and he tore the nearest pillow by him.

"you need to breathe. who is brian?"

"he knows where wonpil is. i'm going back to that fucking hospital."

"hey kid."

i pulled him back down.

"you just got into a car accident."


"this boy, mark," i gestured my head, "he found you."

he started to blink rapidly as he didn't seem to comprehend.

"i'm jackson. nice to meet you."

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