☤ thirty - one | jackson

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i was just about to go home and relax from a day of work until i see some crazy ass people running around and shit. also, why are they carrying guns? can people honestly like, i don't know, not?

"oh my god..."

i start to run towards the chaos and point my finger at one of the ladies. right when i do that, she was caught in a block of ice. jumping backwards, i looked at my hands.

"no way! oh my god! mark! mark! holy shit! is this even real? what the fuck?!"

i start to dial in mark's number and scream into the phone.

"i told you i was a wizard! me and harry potter are like long, lost cousins or some shit! i knew it!"

"what the fuck are you even saying?"

"i got a person stuck in a block of ice!"

"...where are you?"

"some random ladies with guns ran out the boba cafe so i'm by that street."

"wait there."

wait here? what if i die or some shit?!

"oh my god! mark! hurry up!", i screamed.

as if i had summoning powers, i saw him around the corner. how does he look so calm? well, more like why does he always look calm cause when is he not.

"look at my ice block!"

"jackson," he sighed, "you do realize you didn't make that, right?"

i blinked my eyes really fast and laughed.

"uhm, i know your jealous and all but i definitely just make that ice block. you wouldn't know because you weren't here sweetie. case closed", i clicked my tongue.

"did you make all those other people freeze too?"

turning my head, i saw a bunch of tiger ladies floating in air. what on earth?

"what the fuck-!"

"it's probably brian."

"brian? are you sure about that?"

"positive. i'll get that asshole."

i watched mark's eyes go towards the forest and then i managed to make out a fuzzy, blond circle.

"let's go."

walking towards the trees, we saw two figures laying down. mark went closer and i stayed behind. i flinched as mark grabbed the kid's shoulder.


mark made a confused and let go of him.

"you're not brian."

"no he's not", the brunette next to him replied.

"do you know where he is?", the blond stood up.

he was taller than i thought, giving me chills. he looked extremely pale and skinny, as if he hadn't ate in years. the darkness underneath his eyes made his skull seem visible. his fingers were long but cracked. he looked helpless.

"what business do you have with him?", mark said.

i could heat his voice crack when he said that. mark never gets like this unless it's something really personal.

"i'm his boyfriend", the kid replied.


mark furrowed his eyebrows.

"this is mark. i'm jackson. do you happen to know what going on here?", i barged in.

"we don't. we hid here because for cover", the brown haired male spoke quickly.

"okay. that's all. thank you."

dragging mark, i could literally feel his body slowly breaking down.

"he has a boyfriend."

"i know. and you deserved better."

"...it's not fair."

"nothing is fair."

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