☤ twenty - four

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"what's up?"

mark dipped his fries into the ketchup as brian devoured into his burger.

"can't hang out with my bud?", brian laughed as he wiped his mouth.

"you certainly can but i'd like to know why you called me to mcdonald's at 2 in the morning."

brian blinked his eyes a couple times and then started to sweat.


"well? i didn't sneak out of the house for nothing bri."

"it's just hard to put in words."

mark tilted his head as he stuffed a chicken nugget into his mouth, waiting for his answer.

"i'm leaving. but not leaving."

"what do you mean?"

"i'm leaving you."

mark laughed as he took in an awkward bite of his food. his palms were sweaty and his eyes were blurry.

"you're funny bri."

"i'm not joking."

"so after giving you my blood for all these years and risking my life you're just gonna fucking leave?"

"i told you i was sorry."

brian scooted out of his chair as he put his hands up, gesturing him to calm down.

"sorry my ass!"

mark knocked everything off the table and pushed him, causing employees to run through the doors and stop the commotion.

"please calm down sir!", one of the employees said.

"oh i will..."

before he could even blink, brian was already gone.

"asshole! monster! i hate you kang younghyun! you liar!"

and he never saw him again.

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