☤ seven | brian

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i run out the house, not caring if i was just in a shirt, pants and no shoes. my feet burned against the concrete. i had to save him. when i first met him and told him that i understood how bad it was at heaven's hospital and that i've been there before, it was a lie.

i knew nothing. i don't know why i lied.

but that dream i just had must be telling me the truth. jae was in trouble and has probably been suffering like this everyday even before we met.

"i'll save you jae..."

i ran across the road onto the sidewalk as the wind blowed harshly against the trees, making the leaves fall to the ground. people stared at me like i was crazy.

and i had to agree that i was.

the roads got emptier and emptier and soon enough it was a like a black sidewalk with trees caving in. i ran down the hill to the fence. my feet pressed against the wires and once i reached to the top i let my body fall. the parking lot had a few ambulances and some cars. but overall the coast was clear. i'm pretty that the security would be tight and cameras would be placed at every angle. i tiptoed behind the bush and squinted my eyes.

one of the people in white coats that came up in my dream came outside. they went into what i think was their car and left out the area, not noticing me. i ran quickly as the door was still open. part of me felt like i would be okay because my outfit was all white.

but i don't have a number...

i looked over at the main desk and saw a pen and scribble '#06' on my wrist. the place looks exactly like how i saw it in my dream. it actually is kind of creeping me out. thankfully nobody was around me so i ran up the staircases that would lead to the rooms. i skimmed the name tags as i ran down the hallways looking for jae's room.


"i-i'm sorry!"

the red haired boy that fell in front of me had a few tears in the corner of his eyes due to the fact that his body was very skinny and weak. i put my hand out in front of me hoping that i could escape the situation. but instead, the boy looked up at me and stayed like that.

"you're brian aren't you?"

shit. have i been caught already?

"jae talks about you a lot. he misses you."


"i'm wonpil."

the boy grabbed my hand and shook it, smiling brightly.

"do you happen to know where jae is?"

"he's in his room but i don't think it's a good idea if you come right now. the nurse is feeding him his pills."


"yeah. because we've been used as toys and our bodies are weak, it helps us stay alive."

wonpil looked at my wrist.

"why did you write down the number 6?"

"so i would look less suspicious."

"erase it."


"you could die with that."

i gave him a questioning look.

"i don't want you to actually be mistaken as a project. and i'm pretty sure jae wouldn't want that either."

he rubbed the ink away off my wrist and told me that it would better if i communicated with jae through the center. wonpil told me if i go through the center i'll be able to talk to him but it will be behind the glass and there might be security watching us.

"why can't i just go to his room?"

"it's dangerous. you can break in if you want but you should start out small because then you'll look more suspicious."

wonpil brought his hand up into my ear and whispered something.

"besides, heaven's hospital knows who you are."

i sort of shivered to that. wonpil pulled out a mask from his pocket and placed it around my mouth so all you could see was my eyes. he also handed me a pair of glasses.

they were jae's. i didn't say anything and put them on.

"just turn left and go down that hallway. hope we can bump into each other again", wonpil waved.


wonpil turned around to my voice and smiled.

"don't tell jae i'm here."


with that he walked away from me as if nothing happened. i turned away as well and turned left, speed walking down the hallway.

"excuse me?"

the lady, who looked like a nurse paused in her steps and looked at me.

"how may i help you?"

"i'm here to see someone."


pushing jae's oversized glasses above my nose i spoke.

"park jaehyung."

the nurse gave me a suspicious look. maybe because of the incident we had. thank goodness wonpil gave me the mask and glasses so i would look different.

"r-right this way...", the nurse stuttered.

she placed me in a room that had walls that were dark gray. a counter with a glass stuck in front of it was there. leaving me, i assumed she was going to call jae but instead she came back in the room.

"are you sure it's park jaehyung you want to see?"


nodding her head slowly she walked out again.

5 minutes.

10 minutes.

30 minutes.

1 hour.

2 hours.

3 hours.

4 hours.

5 hours.

6 hours.

what's taking so long?

maybe i should leave?

no i can't.

the clock kept ticking and my brain felt like it was going to explode. laying my head on the counter i heard a low screech noise from the other side of the glass.


a voice echoed the empty room. i shivered. it was jae. taking a deep breath i tried to gain confidence. my palms were sweating. my head was running. i have to speak up. i have to talk to him.

i slowly picked up my head and looked at him. his pupils enlarged as he looked at me. his face looked like he wanted to run away from me. he was scared.

"hey jae."

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