☤ thirty - two | wonpil

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i am so exhausted. the nurses today were being more strict than usual. what's their deal? they don't have to go through anything. this place is getting more abnormal by the second. my heart has been aching so much lately. ever beat i get is every tear i cry. i want to go home. i want someone to find me. i want someone to care.

i climb out of my mattress that's been caged with cold, skin-burning bars. my hands are covered in scars that are coated in crusted blood. my lips are so swollen they feel like blood bags that might burst. my head feels like a bowling ball, heavy yet empty, which drags my whole body down the staircase.

there are so many floors, halls and rooms filled with people like me. where the hell are the police? why has nobody noticed or done anything? my eyes start to close but i hear a low moan. it was like the sound of a beast. turning my head, i start to read the names off the wall. the moaning continues but i ignore.

i want to help but i can't do anything. i can't even help myself. the moaning gets even louder that the walls shiver. as the desperate screams get louder, i get closer to a room in a corner with slow, flickering lights. if i tried peeking i would die.

but at least it's better than this hell.

my fingertips lightly touched the glass that was behind the white curtains. why am i doing this? this isn't like me.

sliding the door open, i shrieked as the room smelled like heavily, wet, coated paint with moth balls stuck onto it. the room smell like metal and blood which made my stomach churn. there was a figure, shut down with cloth and bleeding from his eyes. who is this?

i slowly walk towards the lifeless body. my heart is beating so fast i can hear it through my head. the lights kept the lighting from doing from super bright to dark gray.


i accidentally vomit on his blanket. i can't do this. why is he here? what is happening? i can't bare to look. where is jae? my eyes water like a broken faucet. i've never seen someone look so dead.

i cracked my neck as i was surprised by a loud noise that sounded like metal being scraped against the floor. looking up, i saw something i never seen been used in years.

"o-oh no...!"

beads of sweat trail from forehead and my veins start to pop as i hold brian, hugging him by the neck. i can't let this happen. not ever. i barely have any strength but i have to. my fingertips quickly tore off the cloth that held his body down. tried to lift up his body but failed. my bones felt like they might snap in half, attempting to pick him up. his body was suffocating mine but I'd rather suffer.

suddenly, red lights started to scan the room and a siren went off. i threw the door open with all my might that it shattered a bit. brian's body was mostly curved over my head due to my small figure and i could barely see. the loud, unsynchronized, footsteps made the whole building shake. running down the spiral staircase, i pause. there are so many people in this building!

"where is brian?!", a woman screams.

her hands cuff one of the doctor's necks, who shook their head in complete confusion. her lips were so dry that her lipstick flakes on top. but everything else about her was quite attractive, to be honest. her eyes scan the floor which makes me deepen in the corner behind the staircase.

we met eyes.


i cover myself with my hands, my back holding brian against the wall.


all of a sudden, it turns quiet.

dropping my arms to the side and collapsing onto my knees, i look up. everybody was still, as if time has stopped. looking down at my hands, i see blood deep out of my nails and crust up to the center of my palm as they drool down. taking brian into my bloody state, i run because who knows how long this will last.

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