☤ thirty - five

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"mom, please put the gun down."

his mom loosened her finger but still had the gun up in place. brian was still on the other side and like 5 feet away. all of a sudden, there was a high pitch scream, causing his mom to shake a bit and move her head. dowoon jumped over the fence and quickly grabbed both men. his mom shot the gun but missed as it slung back from the metal bar of the fence. the scream came from another girl who was screeching and wheezing out the name 'brian'. dowoon leaped over the fence in fear but was grateful. he was never going back.

it ached him that even though it was vague, he could only hear one heartbeat.

"i'm so sorry..."

he wanted to run like there was no tomorrow but the weight wasn't letting him. as he started to walk he noticed a bunch of unusual figures standing around.

"drop them!"

a bunch of ladies pointed there guns up as they stood in big puddles of water. they were all wearing similar uniforms. he was surrounded and couldn't move. what did his mom want? what does heaven's hospital want? his knees gave in and he placed both boys on the ground. he was gonna stand back up but for some reason couldn't. it didn't feel right.

"i don't know what your goal is or what you want but if you want to kill, then kill me. leave brian alone", he hiccuped at the fact that he couldn't say wonpil's name since he was already gone.

they didn't speak, raising their guns. the loud noise boomed in his ears and he waited for the impact. at least he can finally be with his best friend. instead of the blood gushing sound of a bullet in his body, there was a fierce sizzling noise.


his arms were covered in cuts, stuffed with blood. his bangs covered his eyes which were probably filled with tears and heartache. every solid bullet disappeared into thin air as ash. his stance didn't move at all. he was just standing there like a mannequin. but his body wouldn't stop shivering. blood started to seep from his head, making his hair turn into a dark orange. his lips crusted up into white, paper thin layers with crispy sheets of blood.

"get them out of here...", he huffed


"I SAID GET THEM THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! WHY ARE YOU SITTING THERE LIKE THAT?!", saliva shot out of his mouth and freaked dowoon out as one of his eyes popped up from behind his bangs, which were coated in blood.

he picked both figures up and ran towards a black car, where sungjin was waiting.

"what about jae?"

sungjin didn't say anything, driving at full speed.

"where are we going?"

"you think i know? we're going somewhere. i don't know where, just somewhere where we can have some peace and fucking quiet."

a good 10 minutes of silence flew by but was disturbed by deafening honks from all sides. a police car with two familiar figures appeared, making sungjin groan and punch the wheel. a tap on sungjin's window revealed the face of a policeman.

"yes mark?"

"we need to talk."

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