☤ eleven | jae

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the night sky made the stars shine brighter. my hands pressed against the window, making them colder than they have to be. i sat on the floor as i let my head look out, my breath hitting against the glass.

"i miss you."

i wish he could hear me.

where is he?

maybe i'm having these dreams man's thoughts because my mind knows he won't come to see me.

should i run away again?

his voice in my head is driving me crazy. soon enough the tears spill out like crazy. i kick everything in sight.

flipping the table i ended up cracking the glass off the mirror.


the glass shattered into my skin and i heard footsteps running.

the doctors were coming.

"what happened?"

"nothing!", i screamed.

i could feel my breath heaving and my knuckles harden.

"stop screaming jae. do you want to be thrown back into the drawers?"

"i want to be with brian..."

"what did you say?"

my hands grabbed the lamp and i held it above my head.


the lightbulb fused out as it crashed against the floor. my hands cracked the stand in half and whacked it at one of the doctor's faces.

"why the hell would you want to be a monster-"


shoving the flower vase off the table i banged my head against the wall.

"YOU MADE ME A MONSTER!", i cried as my throat started to dry up.

a couple of bodyguards ran to me as they tied my hands around my back. just as they were about to take me back into the drawers one of the doctors put their hand up.

"let him go."

"junhyeok? you really want to help this guy?"

"shut up."

the doctor named junhyeok shoved the bodyguards away and made everyone exit. i stood there in shock, not knowing how to react.

"w-why are you helping me?" i asked as he cleaned my cuts. the burning sensation in my arms made tears form in the corner of my eyes.

"does that matter now?"

letting out a shaky breath he wrapped the bandages around my arms.

"you want to see brian?"

"will you let me?"

junhyeok looked up at me and smirked a little.

"i'll let you this one time."

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