☤ fourteen

431 54 4

junhyeok knocked on the door with his breath held in.

"hey, long time no see", sungjin greeted.

"yeah i guess."

"you can come in."

he stepped in as sungjin moved out his way.

"what brings you here again?"

"just wanted to chat. you know, just want to know what you're up to and stuff."

sungjin laughed a little and smiled.

"well i'm not up to much or anything. how've you been though?"

"good i guess."

junhyeok wanted to go in a corner, thinking of why he even wanted to do this.

"i miss you."

"me too."

"you ignored me."

"i know."


"ashamed to see your face."


"i don't know."

sungjin smiled sweetly at him and pressed his forehead against his.

"you didn't have to leave me, no, us. you didn't have to leave us like this."

"i wish i knew better. i thought i was strong and could move on."

"i thought so too."

"can we still be friends? you know, start all over again?"

"i would love too."

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