☤ nine | brian

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i felt bad leaving so soon. as i left i heard a buzzing noise. sungjin sent a text message to me.

sungjin: why aren't you at home?

sungjin: please don't tell me you went there

sungjin: answer me you idiot

sungjin: it's getting late and if you stay there any longer it will be dangerous

sungjin: don't ignore me younghyun

should i reply? no i shouldn't. it's best if i don't.

"excuse me? what are you doing here? it's getting very late and visitors shouldn't be here right now."

i turned around to see myself facing one of the doctor looking people.

"i was just about to leave. i'm sorry, I didn't know the hours."

"well you better hurry before i turn you in. and you wearing those glasses makes you more suspicious."

"these?", i tilted jae's frames, "they belong to my boyfriend."

"may i ask who he is?"

"his name is park jaehyung."

i pulled down my mask and smirked. the doctor dropped his papers and pointed at me, screaming for security.

"there's a monster in the building!"

giving him a good punch in the face and a kick in the throat i ran as fast as i could. going outside wasn't an option since they were going on a hard lockdown so these metal bars shut them close. running up the staircase i ran, skimming the names as they were written on the walls.

where is jae's room?

i was going to keep running but i froze as i read a certain name.

kim wonpil.

since he helped me and is jae's friend might as well save him. sliding the glass door and pushing the curtain the red haired boy looked at me flustered.

"hey brian."

"i'm going to help you escape."

"so you're what the ruckus is all about?"

"yup now let's hurry. take me to jae's room."

as quickly as his fragile body could he ran behind me.

"it's right here."

kicking the glass door i saw jae laying down on his bed with a sickening look on his face.


"hurry up. we don't have much time."

jae, confused, nodded at me and i quickly pulled his arm.

"why would reveal your face? you know you didn't have to save me today?", jae yelled at me.

"just shut up and follow me."

we ran quietly, trying to make sure our panting wasn't to loud. as we were going to pass a corner we stayed still, almost getting caught by the security.

"that was so close...", wonpil sighed in relief.

"not so fast."

the hallways were empty but from our right we saw a man in one of the doctor outfits.

"run!", wonpil said as he pushed into my back.

"i'm not going to tell anyone. i'm here to help you", the man said.

"how can we trust you?", jae asked.

"i was in a situation like you all before. my friend was a monster as well so you can trust me."

jae gripped onto my arm and wonpil stood still.

"follow me. i know an exit."

the man guided us to what seemed like the way back of the hospital. it kept getting darker and darker.

"this is so scary...", wonpil cried.

"right here", the man said.

a huge white door was in front of us and the man punched in a few numbers which made the door open. the hallways were pitch black and the floor made creak noises easily.

"just go down this way", he pointed.

"thank you but may i know your name?", i asked.

"it's junhyeok."

"wait...do you perhaps know a man named sungjin?"

junhyeok smiled at me and nodded.

"yes i do. but don't tell him you saw me."

next thing we knew we were being pushed straight at a door. right before we could face back and step back into the building we were falling straight out the building.

we were all going to die-

"dude wake up and stop screaming!"


my mind blurred for a second.

i was in my room. everything was perfectly fine.

sungjin, with his hands on his hips, shook his head as he placed his fingers against my cheeks.

"you kept screaming and crying. couldn't you hear me yelling your name?"

"...so i didn't go to heaven's hospital?"

"for god's sake younghyun you have never been there. for the last fucking time i will repeat, you have never been to heaven's hospital."

"it was all a dream."

"probably. now can you please, pleaseeeee, please sleep normally or at least try?"

i nodded my head at him, still in shock.

it was another dream.

i didn't meet jae at all.

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