☤ twenty - nine | jae

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i impatiently waited for brian to come back. it's been so long i forgot what day it was. well, not really but what's taking him so long? does he walk that slow or something? should i go find him?

"sungjin...", i whine.

"your dumbass boyfriend probably got caught or some shit. don't worry he'll be back", he immediately replied, knowing what i was gonna ask.


"yeah. i mean, heaven's hospital is probably on him. maybe even police."

my heart dropped. my skin felt like it was peeling off from hearing those two words. my legs were weak at the bone and started to shake.

"p-please don't s-say that..."

sungjin gave me a hug and hushed me that it will be alright.

"let's go find him."

he let me wrap my arm around his and we walked outside. the sun has already vanished and the night was dark.

"let's get you something to eat. ever since he's been gone you just sit your room and do nothing."


"there's a good boba place that's also a café. brian goes here all the time."

a small bell rang as we entered the store. my nose started to shiver as the place didn't feel warm.

"hello there, how may i help you?"

i know that voice.

"uh, one avocado with extra tapioca and what do you want jae?"

my body couldn't control itself. she was looking straight at me. other employees started to stare at me. i knew them all. customers looked at me like i was insane. sungjin was confused as he tried pulling me down into a chair but i refused.

everybody gasped and fled the store. the employees, or should i say nurses looked at me in shock but smirked. they couldn't believe it. they've found me already. they probably have brian too. i can't do this. i just want to be happy.

"what the fuck?"

i turned my head towards the chair that sungjin was pulling towards me. i couldn't believe myself. the chair was gone.

i turned it into ash.

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