Welcome to the Fairy Tail Academy!!!!!!

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Lucy's Pov

BANG! BANG! BANG! " Shut up, go away, let me sleep." Said the blond sleepy head BANG! BANG BANG! " Princess wake up! You have school in 40 minutes!" Said my maid Virgo " WHAT!!" I said as I jumped out of bed, I can't believe I'm almost late on my first day at my new school, I went straight to my bathroom, took a shower, brushed my teeth, and I wore my new school uniform.

" Said the blond sleepy head BANG! BANG BANG! " Princess wake up! You have school in 40 minutes!" Said my maid Virgo " WHAT!!" I said as I jumped out of bed, I can't believe I'm almost late on my first day at my new school, I went straight to my b...

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Lucy in her new school uniform.

I went downstairs and said " Good Morning " not like anyone's gonna respond, I live with my maid Virgo in my parents mansion, my mother died in a car accident, after my mother's death my father become abusive, he would get drunk and come late at night and if I did anything wrong he would hit me or he would just hit me when he was drunk, one day he was drunk and was driving home but since he was drunk he lost control and hit a tree and he died, anyway I ate my breakfast and checked the time , school started at 7:00 and right now it was 6:30, I started to walk to school, as I was walking inside the school building I bumped into a guy with no clothes except his boxers, what the hell!!.

                I went downstairs and said " Good Morning " not like anyone's gonna respond, I live with my maid Virgo in my parents mansion, my mother died in a car accident, after my mother's death my father become abusive, he would get drunk an...

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The dude with no clothes

"Watch where you going blonde!" Said the dude with no clothes " Excuse me, you were the one who bumped into me." I said " Hey!! At least I watch where I'm going!" Replied the stripper " At least I'm not walking around in my boxers!" I shot back " Oh shit" Said the stripper as he ran away probably to go look for his clothes, weird, anyway I continue to walk inside the building than I ran into another person, great just great, " Stupid blonde watch where your going!!" Said the guy with blond hair and a scar that looked like a lightning bolt.

" I said " Hey!! At least I watch where I'm going!" Replied the stripper " At least I'm not walking around in my boxers!" I shot back " Oh shit" Said the stripper as he ran away probably to go look for his clothes, weird, anyway I continue to walk...

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