!!!!!!Bad news!!!!!!

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Hey guys it's Luna, I just wanted to say that I will not update for this whole week, I know I'm a horrible author but I have a ton of chapters planed out for you guys but I'm having trouble laying them out and I also stayed up late to finish the chapters and I also have school in the morning, I also haven't been feeling good, so I hope you guys understand and that this doesn't make you stop reading, I know I'm a horrible author for doing this but I hope you guys understand, oh and also I will be updated a lot next week since I have spring break the whole next weak. That's  all I wanted too say and once again please don't stop reading because of this, anyway have a wonderful week beautiful readers, until next time~😋

 That's  all I wanted too say and once again please don't stop reading because of this, anyway have a wonderful week beautiful readers, until next time~😋

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