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(Hello beautiful people, this isn't really a chapter this is just their Friday morning and the last  day before spring break anyway enjoy! Until next time wonderful people 😜.)

" Mm" I mumbled as I felt the ray of the sun through my window, I sat up and glared at my window " Stupid sun." I mumbled, I was NOT a morning person, agh why do we have to go to school!! I let my face fall in my fluffy pillow but then I remembered that today was the last day before spring break " Yay!" I screamed as I jumped out of bed.

I went into the bathroom, showered, brushed my teeth then I went to my closet and looked at my new school uniform, master Makarov gave us new uniforms I don't really know why, he mumbled something about a woman named Mira and something about matchmaking anyway I changed into my new uniform and fixed my hair into two braids.

I went into the bathroom, showered, brushed my teeth then I went to my closet and looked at my new school uniform, master Makarov gave us new uniforms I don't really know why, he mumbled something about a woman named Mira and something about match...

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Imagine that's Lucy but with blonde hair and brown eyes.

After I changed I went into the living room, all of the 11 boys were there but blushed when they looked at me, I can't really blame them, my skirt was super short and the tight white shirt made my chest look 10 times more bigger then normal! 

" Good morning!" I said like nothing ever happened last night, " Good morning..." They said while still looking at my chest, okay now that was just perverted " My eyes are up here~." I teased they all looked away blushing, now let's have some fun~.

I teasingly ran my hands all over my body as I bit my lip to get a reaction out of them and it looked like it worked!, all of them got red as a tomato and I saw all of them get hard " hahahha." I laughed, first all of them looked confused but when they realized that they have been played they looked mad, I just ran out of the dorm laughing " Get back here blondie!!!!" I heard them yell from the dorm living room I just laughed and walked away..

Laxus pov ( Yay! ( ^ - ^ ) ) 

Damn that blondie! why does she have to be so sexy-------No! Bad Laxus! Bad! I shook my head " Lucy.." Natsu mumbled, I don't know why but when he said her name I felt angry..No! Shut up Laxus! Shut up! " Lucy really is something else.." Said Sting as he looked at the door Lucy walked out of.

" I wonder who she really is..." Jellal suddenly said, we all knew that Lucy was keeping something from us...." Should we find out?" Asked Loki " Why should we after all she said to stay out of her business!" Said Cobra, we all cared for Lucy we just didn't wanna admit it  "We all care for Bunny girl so let's just admit it already!" Snapped Gajeel "Let's just continue this after school, were getting late." Said Zeref.

We all ran out of our dorm to our class, we all had the same classes " Hey guys lets just skip classes." Said Midnight as he put his hands behind his head " No can do dude, there's a new student coming so we all gotta be there." Relied Gajeel, me and boys just groaned, well at,least Lucy is in that class....... Wait WHAT am I thinking!......Stupid blondie this is all her fault!!

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