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I felt the sun shine on me through the window, I got up and just like always I glared at the sun  "Stupid sun, always ruining my mornings!" I groaned, I walked over to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, showered and got dressed In a white off-the-sleeve top, black shorts,a red open shirt above it and black boots...( Sorry, I'm not really good at describing clothes so that's why I put a picture...............I'll just shut up now........)

After I got dressed I made half of my hair into a braid then I put it in a bun

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After I got dressed I made half of my hair into a braid then I put it in a bun.

After I got dressed I made half of my hair into a braid then I put it in a bun

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I walked towards my closet and got out a heart shaped necklace. The necklace was very important to me because my mother gave it to me...................

 The necklace was very important to me because my mother gave it to me

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I put the heart pendant on and walked out the door. 









Wow! What happened here! The living room was a mess! There were two pizza boxes lying on the floor, there were half eaten slices of pizza on the floor, the couch, and the table! The 11 idiots were sleeping in the living room , some on the couch and the rest on the floor. Colt was also there! What was he doing there, maybe he's stayed the night  but that still doesn't mean they have to trash this place! " sigh " they can't do anything right!

I walked towards the table, picked up the pizza boxes and threw it away after that I picked up all of the half eaten pizza slices and threw it away, after I was done cleaning the living room I got out blankets and placed them over the 11 idiots and Colt.

I went to the kitchen to cook something for them, I decided to make eggs and bacon. I took out all the ingredients and started to cook, after I was done I put it in 12 plates and placed it on the table. I took out a paper and wrote a note so they don't " worry" "rolls eyes"


To 11 idiots and Colt.

Dear 11 idiots and Colt, I cleaned the mess that YOU people made, I also made breakfast, and I wanted to say that I won't be back till night so don't " worry"

Anyway bye~~~😋

 From Lucy~


That should do it! Hm maybe I should eat something before I go, meh I'm okay just as long as they don't find out that I don't eat.......

I walked out the school and went to the mall, hopefully since I'm away from the boys the affect of the heat stops, it's only gonna last for 2 more weeks. I'm pretty sure I can survive until then........hopefully...

Hello beautiful people it's me Luna, I know this is a super short chapter and I'm sorry for that but the next chapter will be Colt's pov, anyway byeeeeee~

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