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Lucy's pov~

Everyone looked at me with pity in there eyes, I hate it! how dare they feel sorry for me!!!! I was gonna give them a piece of my mind but before I could they asked me a question " So your cursed?" Asked Jellal " Yeah pretty much." I replied causally " How can you be so clam!?!?!?" Asked Loki.

" Meh, I accepted it." I said, they all looked down in sadness, I cleared my throat " So, do you guys have any more questions or can I go?" I asked as I got up " Wait! we have more questions!" Said Midnight " Shoot." I said and sat back down.

" Is Colt also a dragon?" Asked Laxus, I looked at Colt to see if he wanted to explain it but he nodded for me to do it " No, Colt is the Prince of Fallen Angels." I answered " That's  so cool!" Said Natsu, Colt chuckled " I guess it is.".

" How many creatures are there?" Asked Gray, I widened my eyes " Creatures! You think we're creatures!?!?" I yelled " Ah No! That's not what I meant! Your just like the rest of us....wait! No! What I mean is that...uh....um....I mean." Said Gray nervously.

" What he means is that we don't really know what to call you since your all magical and stuff." Said Cobra as he put his arm around Gray " Oh well just call us............potatoes?" I said/asked, first everyone started to laugh, including me, then they agreed " That's a great idea!"Said Colt while laughing.

" So how many potatoes are there?" Asked Zaref, they all burst out laughing, I just pouted and looked away " Awww don't be mad kitten we were just messing with you~" purred Colt into my ear, I blushed when he purred.

The 11 idiots started to glare at him....again! " Well, There are eight potatoes." I said and started to laugh, I couldn't help it it was hilarious, soon they starts to laugh with me, I guess making them learn more about "potatoes" was a good thing after all.

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