Best Roommates Ever!

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Previously on " Love triangle" 

" Don't worry sweet heart it's only gonna hurt for a bit." He said and started to unzip his pants...Wait! No! This can't be happening!!!!! He was gonna take off my dress but before he could a fist hit his face...........what! looked up and was shocked to see.......

Lucy's pov~

I looked up and saw Colt punching Luke in the face, Luke fainted with a bloody face " Kitten are you okay!" Asked Colt and hugged me, the rest of the 11 boys came too " Lucy!" they all yelled, my eyes widened " What are you guys doing here!?" I asked.

" To save you of course!" Said Gray, I looked down, I was so ashamed I can't believe I couldn't push away a weak human " Lucy it wasn't your fault! You were in heat! Your body didn't wanna push him away!" Yelled Colt.

" But still! I'm the princess of dragons! Yet I couldn't even push a weak human away!" I yelled, "Lucy look at me! It was not your fault!" Said Colt as he hugged me, I hugged him back, I could feel the glares of the 11 idiots on Colt but he didn't care.

" Yeah Lucy it wasn't!" Said Jellal, all of the boys hugged me " Thank you guys so much!" I said,we all left the bathroom and went back to the girls " Lucy! Where were you!" Asked Erza "We were worried!" Said Lisanna " Juvia though you were kidnapped!" Said Juvia " Lucy you promised us you wouldn't do that again!" Said Levy.

" Lucy you scared us!" Said mira, the boys told the girls what happened but they left the part about the heat since no one else knew about the magical world, " We're so sorry Lucy!" Apologized Erza " Yeah, we're sorry we couldn't help!" Said Levy.

" It's okay guys! You didn't know." I said, we all eat and left, after saying our goodbyes we went our separate ways, I went with the guys. We all got into the car and Laxus was driving, I wonder why did they help me.

" Can I ask you guys something?" I asked " You just did." Chuckled Zaref, we all laughed " Why did you guys help me?" I asked " Why wouldn't we, your our friend Lucy!" Said Rogue " Yeah Lucy your our friend and we care for you!" Said Sting " And we'll always help you!" Said Colt.

" Your the best roommates ever!" I said " We know!" Said Jellal, we all laughed " No seriously I'm glad I have you guys as roommates!" I said " We're glad to have you as our roommate too Lucy!" Said Natsu, I smiled then I cuddled next to Colt since he was sitting on my right side and fell asleep thinking I have the best roommates ever!

Love Triangle ( Lucy's harem! )Where stories live. Discover now