But I wanna go to sleep!!!

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Lucy Pov~

I had 5 shopping bags on each arm.......don't judge me I love shopping! I walked back towards the school, right now it was 9:00 pm but I didn't care I mean why should I, we don't have school for 1 month! Yay!.

 I'm really happy....why you ask? Because all the clothes I bought are fantastic! And it was on sale!!!! Double yay!!!!

I reached the school and started to walk to Dorm-C, Maybe they aren't home and I wonder if Colt left either way I really hope they're sleep!! I do not want to go through heat again! It was torture!! But my fate had other plans.

I opened the door and everyone looked at me....by everyone I mean the 11 idiots and Colt.

" uhh Heyyy Guyyyys." I said, " Hey Kitten, where were you?" Asked Colt, I love when Colt calls me kitten, I wonder how it would sound when he moans my name......

.OH! NO! IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN!! " I went shopping." I replied while showing him my shopping bags " Damn, those are a lot of bags!" Said Loki.

I just nodded, I need to get out of here! " Well I'm tired I better get going." I faked yawned, " Dont be crazy, let's all watch a movie together since Colt's gonna live with us in dorm-C." Said Sting  "Really! Yay!" I yelled and jumped into Colt's arms, I can't believe he's gonna live with us! I'm so excited! 

All the 11 boys looked at me like I'm crazy, " Oh um I mean cool." I said and turned away so they don't see the blush that was creeping up my face, Colt chuckled, all of the 11 idiots glared at Colt with an emotion that I couldn't quite make out.

" Maybe we should let Kitten go to sleep." Said Colt, oh I guess Colt knows, "But watching the movie together will be fun~" Pouted Sting " But she seems tired." Argued Colt " Hm  I guess." Agreed everyone, I love you colt!

I said bye and walked to my room but before I could Natsu grabbed my arm and picked me up "Put. Me. Down." I said " No can do, your going to watch the movie with us whether you like it or not." Said Natsu, I pouted and looked at Colt but he just smirked, I'm gonna kill you Colt!!!

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