None of your Business!

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I finally made it back to the academy but since it was far it took me 1 hour so right now it's 3:00, I silently walked through the halls to dorm-C. 

 Everyone is probably sleeping right now I mean why would they stay awake it's not like they care for me but when I gently opened the door the sight infront of me was not what I expected..














The End.... Just kidding ...








Infront of me were all the 11 idiots and they looked furious, " Hey..." I said not really getting why they were mad " Hey.. hey! HEY!!, do you know what time it is!!, we were so worried we thought you were kidnapped or rapped! We almost called the police!!".

All 11 of them yelled, wow I'm impressed how did they say all that at the same time mm maybe they practiced  it..." Come down I was with Colt." I said not really getting why it was such a big deal " Who's Colt?!!?' They asked, I could see anger and.... Jealousy in their eyes? 

" None of your business!" I yelled, " Look were sorry, but we really do care for you." Said Zeref as the other guys nodded, I didn't believe them but their eyes looked so pure and innocent,No! they don't care for you! They don't know the how much your in pain! They don't know anything!!! 

"Stop!! Just stop!!" I yelled as I looked them straight in the eye " Just stop okay, I don't want you guys to keep pretending to care for me when you don't!" I yelled, I was angry wait anger was not the word I was furious! " But we do Lucy!" Said Loki.

 " No you don't, your the baddest boys and most popular boys at this school how can you care for someone like me!" I said, I was to angry to notice what I was saying, they all looked shocked " No one ever cared for me! Do you know how that feels?!" I yelled.

" You don't so mind your own goddamn business!" I yelled as I walked to my room and slammed  the door shut.

11 boys pov~~~~~~~~

When she said that I felt pain in my chest, I wanna know more about her! I wanna care for her! I wanna know what this feeling is......

Lucy's pov~~~~~~~

No matter how many times they try to include themselves in my life I WILL push them out....

11 boys pov~~~~~

No matter how many times she pushes us out we WILL keep trying...

Lucy pov~~~~

They better stop or I'll hurt them....

11 boys~~~~~~~

We WILL know more about her even if we get hurt.......

Lucy pov~~~~~~

Because that's my choice.....

11 boys pov~~~~~

Because that's our choice......

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